Dear Community,
We are excited to announce our Early Access Program (EAP) for the App usage insight feature for Jira Data Center! We're opening 5 seats in the program and looking for a Jira admin user who manages an instance with 1000+ users and more than 5 marketplace apps installed (Atlassian bundled apps excluded). EAP users will be invited to give feedback to the dev team, get support from them during the trial and influence feature functions' priority.
From your previous feedback, we’ve learned that apps are significant investments and critical to making Atlassian Data Center products customized for your organization. However, not having access to app usage data blocks you from taking effective actions and making decisions about your Marketplace apps. Our admin users need to know where, how, and by whom apps are being used in the Data Center instances.
With this Jira app, we’ll uncover app usage data, including but not limited to:
The list of projects with specific custom fields that an app created and uses
The dashboards an app introduced, their owners, and the last time they were viewed
The workflows created by an app, and details like conditions and validations
The number of scheduled tasks, JQL, API calls, and database tables introduced by an app.
Note that these functions will be built into multiple releases within the timeframe of EAP.
If this sounds exciting to you, reply to this post and fill in this simple form, and we will contact you.
For those who don't want to join EAP but are keen to try App usage for Jira Data Center, you can access the Atlassian lab version App (unsupported) from our marketplace. And give us your feedback through a built-in feedback CTA.
We are looking forward to hearing from you. And stay tuned with us in this community as well!
Xiaoxiang (Mike) Ni