Hi there,
i have a really interesting problem to solve.
This is my page tree:
- Overview page
- sub page 1
- sub page 2
- sub page 3
On every sub page i have some images with the labes dog, cat or squirrel.
On the overview page i want to display them.
The feature I am looking for is to have the possibility to see all the labeled images and change the filter in view mode like in my example
This is the default state – all labels are selected, so every image with a label dog, cat or squirrel is displayed.
dog, cat, squirrel
Now i want to only see the dog and squirrel labeled images. I deselect the cat label so only dog and squirrel labeled images are displayed.
dog, cat, squirrel
I found out, you can display all the images labeled so with the gallery macro, but what i need, is a dynamic version of this.
Does anyone have an idea or some useful alternatives? The amount of sub pages is around 40 and the contained images are around 3-4 images
Thank you for helping