Using markdown tables

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April 18, 2017

According to it should be possible to insert tables via Markdown syntax. The example is exactly this:

| Day     | Meal    | Price |
| --------|---------|-------|
| Monday  | pasta   | $6    |
| Tuesday | chicken | $8    |

However, when pasting exactly that code into Confluence (via the “Insert Markup” macro), what I get is definitely not a table, but rather arbitrarily formatted text.

Am I missing something or is that feature “only” broken?

38 answers

16 votes
Tim Franzke
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November 24, 2017

Is this being looked at?  I am trying to transfer some API docs to confluence and need the tables.

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December 6, 2017

I'm facing the same issue as well.

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Tim Haintz
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December 28, 2017

Me too. 

Ditta Khan October 3, 2018

Same here. I'm on version 6.11.0

Nar Kumar C. - Narva Software
Atlassian Partner
February 5, 2020

Hi Tim,

If you are using Confluence Cloud, you can use our app: Markdown for Confluence

You can open the Markdown editor from the app and simply paste Markdown content, including table data.

The app will do automatic conversion when you save/publish the page and store as native Confluence table.

Hope it helps.



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Sean Smith
February 29, 2024

Reading the reviews, a couple people noted this app breaks if you try to use images. Is there a timeline for fixing that?

9 votes
Sean Smith
August 22, 2018

Yeah, we really need native support for Markdown in Confluence. 

9 votes
Sean Smith
December 19, 2017

Confluence is killing me. There are exactly ZERO intuitive ways to paste columnar data into HTML tables on the cloud version (because HTML macro not available). This is a CORE feature for content writers. How can they be messing this up so bad?

Jeff Aguilera
January 14, 2019

Because they mess up so many things, in so many ways. Their code is one big pile of technical debt.

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8 votes
Michael Faux
April 3, 2018

Markdown tables still not rendering on Confluence Cloud as of April 3, 2018.

5 votes
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September 20, 2019

So, my table started working after I made sure there are lines above and below the table, two spaces at the end of each line.

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January 2, 2020

I can confirm this works for me.


Just make sure there is one empty line above and below where you paste your table and each row has at least 2 spaces at the end.

Tejas Shah
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May 11, 2020

Confirming this works.

Dmytro Benditkis
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October 24, 2023

It works in Jira Cloud at least for now 24 Oct 2023

Thank you for sharing!

Dmitriy Davydov
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July 15, 2024

Thanks, I confirm this works 2024-07-15.


It works even without double space at the end of the line `  `.


| Day     | Meal    | Price |
| --------|---------|-------|
| Monday  | pasta   | $6    |
| Tuesday | chicken | $8    |
4 votes
Thomas Schlegel
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April 18, 2017

Hi Carsten,

you're right. This table markdown is not working. It works (more or less), if you change the markup type to "Confluence Wiki".




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April 18, 2017

Thanks for your feedback. I noticed that and actually, I’m using that at the moment, but I hoped to be able to use a more familiar format.

Charles Smartt
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August 28, 2017

Shouldn't this be fixed?  I am using confluence and using the Confluence Wiki fixes the table, but the rest of the markdown does not work.

Ivan Karajas
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August 21, 2018

Just ran into this issue as well. Changing the markup type to Confluence Wiki does work, more or less, but then it will break any other Markdown that you're trying to add at the same time. One fewer hoop to jump through would be great!

3 votes
david Chevreau
June 17, 2021

Writing all my docs in _markdown_, i wanted to import it in Confluence without working with confluence. And i dicovered [pandoc]( !

You can use [pandoc]( to convert your .md files to jira files (`-t jira` option) which is the atlassian wiki format. Then you copy/paste the resulting text in the ~~bloc code~~ macro.

That's my workflow to work with markdown.

Sean Smith
June 17, 2021

Super cool! Thank you so much!!!

david Chevreau
June 18, 2021

you're welcome.


i've just made a ~little mistake~. It's not ***bloc code*** but ***markup***(_balise_ in french) macro with "wiki confluence" selected.

eric_rovellilambart February 28, 2024

Great idea David, but unfortunately it can't convert MD tables to anything Atlassian can understand.

Among other things that Atlassian doesn't understand: Their users.

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Robert Graf
February 29, 2024


When I try this example 

Markdown syntax guide | Bitbucket Data Center 8.18 | Atlassian Documentation

| Day     | Meal    | Price |
| --------|---------|-------|
| Monday  | pasta   | $6    |
| Tuesday | chicken | $8    |

1. On a Confluence page select "Insert Markup" (not Confluence wiki)

2. Copy & paste the table (4 lines) above into the left window

3. The preview on the right shows formatted text (bold) but no table lines

4. Press INSERT button and the edit page also only shows formatted text without table lines.

5. Now press the 3 dots bottom right and select "Preview" and the table will be show completely formatted as it should be. Also when you press Publish.

Used Confluence 7.19.17

Also the missing first hyphen in the second line in the Atlassian example isn't an issue. Also if you fix this (use hyphen instead of the space) it works.

Do you have an example of a table which doesn't work?

btw. I also use pandoc. The latest version still has a bug and the first backslash in a link will be converted into "\". You can insert this in Jira but in Confluence the link breaks.

Currently I fix this with this command in my CMD file:

set file=%cd%\%1
pandoc "" -f markdown-smart -t jira -o "%file%.jira"
set par="((Get-Content -path '' -Raw) -replace '\','\') | Set-Content -Path '%file%.jira'"
Powershell -Command %par%

However, to keep editing easier and better convertable and maybe better readable I don't use tables in my Markdown documentation. Only the simple things.

eric_rovellilambart February 29, 2024

Robert, Thanks for taking the time to explain all that. I worked around Atlassian's problems by copying an "old editor" page and then pasting in the markdown, as suggested elsewhere. And I guess I'll just continue to "enjoy" using the old editor until Atlassian's new editor becomes more useful.

3 votes
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June 27, 2019

It's such a shame that even after two years Confluence team has not even looked at this thread. Markdown is probably the most poular documentation syntax that developers use every day and it is probably the most supported across technologies. Almost every IDE that I know supports it either out of the box or through an extension. Githup and many other online tools support it. But, we don't even get a basic support in Confluence. It's very easy to do guys! just look at how many libraries are out there!

3 votes
Sean Smith
October 3, 2018

OK. To anyone evaluating Confluence for mass content creation:


Atlassian has gotten too far over it's skis. There may be a future where they comment on important features customers are asking. There is hope in that they abandoned HipChat. Hopefully some of the staff that doesn't leave can be repurposed for customer interaction on requested features, including at least the communication of a roadmap within a one year timeline of important issues being raised. 

Until you see a regular cadence of communication in this community, please including a low community strength score during your product evaluations.



2 votes
Nar Kumar C. - Narva Software
Atlassian Partner
February 5, 2020

Hi everyone,

This is an old question which does not have solution.


If you are using Confluence Cloud, you can use our app: Markdown for Confluence

You can open the Markdown editor from the app and simply paste Markdown content, including table data.

The app will do automatic conversion when you save/publish the page and store as native Confluence table.

Hope it helps.

Ditta Khan February 5, 2020

Thanks Nar. Will there be an add-on for the server version of confluence?

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2 votes
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April 11, 2019

I wanted a table in a file in Bitbucket and ended up with a mess (no formatting, just 1 long line of all the table syntax).

I found: MarkdownDemo

I thought that helped, but now I'm not so sure; not that the page isn't useful, but it didn't indicate what was needed to fix the table display.

What did work was once I put a blank line before the table definition.

Sean Smith
April 11, 2019

I too found the blank line to be key. 

Here is my flow:

Go to Markdown Tables Generator, a great site for producing tables in markdown. From File menu choose "Paste table data...". Paste your CSV or tabular data. Scroll a bit and click "Copy to clipboard". Back in Confluence, launch the Markdown macro and *make sure* it says Confluence Wiki (don't ask). Paste the table. 

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Tim Black
November 15, 2019

@pmunsey suggestion of putting a blank line immediately before the table definition markdown appears to be a requirement. I'm not using Confluence, but BitBucket Server.

Thanks @pmunsey  I would not have figured that out for a while - so counterintuitive - and how careless that the documentation doesn't state this huge rake they left there for users to step on..

2 votes
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September 27, 2018

This is impacting my work as well. C'mon Atlassian

2 votes
Yonghee Kim August 31, 2018

Please add markdown table support

2 votes
David Chwalisz August 3, 2018

I just tried it today in Confluence 1000.0.0-bb4822b3c2b. Pasting once for Markdown and re-pasting each table as Wiki works but is a real pain. Bad enough you cannot use just plain Markdown for native editing.

Alessio Gaeta
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November 20, 2018

Yeah, plain text editing without the auto-formatting "feature" is a must. And that's true for Jira too. C'mon, let us developers code instead of fighting with text formatting...

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1 vote
Dima Kankalovich June 2, 2020

I swear, I will never ever recommend or willingly use Confluence until you fix Markdown support.

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June 3, 2020

I took the same decision a while back. Using Git and Markdown is the way to go. The tooling, integration and flexibility around it is way better than Confluence’s wobbly interface and features that are there but never work as advertised.

I think people (companies) are still using it because they don’t know better. I have been there too. I suggest that you do a little research and see what fits your teams workflow and tools. There are a ton of alternatives out there. I don’t think you will ever look back whatever you choose. 

Dima Kankalovich June 3, 2020

I am actually already using markdown in a git repo, arranged in a doc suite via `mkdocs` (but there is actually plenty of beautiful frameworks for documentation - both generic and specialized). Markdown supports 95% of what you need to write decent docs on a daily basis. Why Atlassian skips on Markdown support is just beyond me. 


The reason why I ended up being here, is that I hoped to establish some sort of automatic sync from git repo .md files to Confluence - some management people still use Confluence. Well, it was a good idea, in theory, didn't worked that well in practice. 

1 vote
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March 10, 2020
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August 5, 2019

It would be nice if this could actually be fixed. Importing markdown into Confluence just looks like text soup with lots of tables.

1 vote
Robert Graf
June 10, 2019

Bump again.
Please add markdown table support.

1 vote
Ives Schneider
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May 17, 2019

Bump again.
Please add markdown table support.

1 vote
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April 1, 2019

Bump.  Same issue, markdown tables are a big deal.  Please fix this!

1 vote
Michael Tuchman March 26, 2019

What really upsets me about this is that pasting have the exact same user outcome as typing.  If I can type a table, I should be able to paste a table,  Preferably with just a CTRL-V and without opening additional windows. 

I know you're aware of markup, since your system is built in it.  So, why is it *SO FRICTIONAL* to get a table in markdown format from my clipboard to a confluence page?

The below should already be seen as a nicely formatted table.  It's not.


| | mpg| cyl| disp|
|Mazda RX4 | 21.0| 6| 160|
|Mazda RX4 Wag | 21.0| 6| 160|
|Datsun 710 | 22.8| 4| 108|
|Hornet 4 Drive | 21.4| 6| 258|
|Hornet Sportabout | 18.7| 8| 360|
|Valiant | 18.1| 6| 225|

1 vote
Michael Tuchman March 26, 2019

Atlassian, are you listening?  Are you getting the sense that your community needs  you to get on this STAT?


1 vote
Daniel Marshall
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February 26, 2019

You can create a 1x1 table and paste from Exel. Not ideal, but it beats retyping things.

Michael Tuchman March 26, 2019

Not even remotely acceptable, primarily because such an obvious feature (ability to paste in markdown) was not even considered.

Daniel Marshall
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March 26, 2019

Yes I agree, it's ridiculous that it's not a feature especially given Atlassian's focus on developers and their frequent need for displaying tables in documentation.

I'm just providing a workaround if somebody comes looking for an answer.

1 vote
Kev January 8, 2019

Trying to work with the Confluence Wiki markup, the formatting of background colours seems to be all over the shop. When setting the colour, it will take UNLESS you actually put text into the "Cell". As soon as you put a header or text in there, the background colour reverts to default.

Apologies for hijacking the thread, but I'm getting completely exasperated at trying to find a comprehensive example of formatting backgrounds/cell colours using markup language rather than having to manually edit it!

I have an excel spreadsheet (no booing at the back there! :) which has one cell into which I've carefully crafted the markup required to insert a table-plus table and info boxes in the appropriate cells. However, a simple thing like trying to make a cell change colour seems to be eluding me, I've read so many web pages on what to do, but the majority of these all point to having to manually edit the cells once the table has been inserted.

Is there any chance of someone here giving me an "aha!" moment......pleeeeeease!!

1 vote
Anirban's Space September 27, 2018

Was able to use html <table> tags to work with tables in confluence markdown page

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