I am writing a python script that creates an html body, then updates a confluence page with the html contents. For simplicity's sake, the html body can be divided into two sections: 1.) Overview and 2.) Details. The first html element of Overview should be a clickable link that navigates the user to the first html element of Details. I have implemented this as such
def generate_generic_html(...):
anchor_tag = ...
link = f'<h2><a href="#{anchor_tag}">{title} Overview</a></h2>'
overview_html = ...
overview_html = link + overview_html
link_location = f'<h1 id="{anchor_tag}">{title} Details</h1>'
details_html = ...'
body_html = link_location + details_html
return overview_html, body_html```
The html object are combined and posted to confluence via this method
status=confluence.update_page(pageID, confluencePage, html_body, parent_id=None, type='page', representation='storage', minor_edit=False)
The page successfully updates, and there is a clickable link. For example: if anchor_tag = foo, I can click on "foo Overview". And my browser tries to navigate to from https://org.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/{space}/pages/{page_id}/{page_name} to https://org.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/{space}/pages/{page_id}/{page_name}#foo-tag. However, the screen does not move.
For testing purposes, I also wrote the html body to a local file. The anchor tags in the local file worked as expected.
I know that it is possible to add anchor tags to confluence using the UI, but I am looking for a way to add these tags programmatically.
Thank you!