
髙山 惠 September 19, 2024

現在、Confluence の PDE エクスポート機能を使用していますが、エクスポートされる PDF のフォントが文字化けしており、この問題を解決したいです。下記のご回答お願いいたします。使用PCはMacです。)

  1. PDFエクスポートで使用されるのであればフォントを変更する方法はありますか?
  2. 特定のフォント(例: Noto Sans やヒラギノ)を PDFエクスポート時に表示させたいのですが、どのように設定すればよいですか?


スクリーンショット 2024-09-20 14.25.25.png

スクリーンショット 2024-09-20 14.23.58.png


2 answers

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Kristian Klima
Community Leader
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September 20, 2024

Hello @髙山 惠 and welcome to the Community.

Couple of things of importance.

  • I found out that Preview and Acrobat render PDFs that are exported from Confluence differently. And there are navigation quirks too. That's, obviously, not great for distributing PDFs to your clients.
  • You can customize your CSS style sheet for PDF exports.
    • There's PDF export language support setting in the Confluence settings under Configuration.
    • Then there's PDF export under Look and Feel.
  • There's also Scroll PDF Exporter app which produces much better results out of the box and allows you to tweak presets and changes without coding. I'd definitely give it a try.
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Jazimo H
I'm New Here
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September 19, 2024



This is an issue with font embedding and subsetting.

First off, you'll need to make sure when you create the PDF files, you turn on 'embed all fonts' when creating the PDF. Most likely you are using one of the pre-set options that are standard with Acrobat ie: "Smallest file size". Try "press quality" instead Not all the PDF creation options will embed the fonts.

Now all that being said, there are certain fonts with manufacturer licences that do not allow embedding. Lastly if it is the same font displaying this way in all the files, perhaps the font itself is corrupt. This can be fixed by replacing the font with an original copy, or fixing it using one of the many font utilities available.

I also suggest you repair permissions if you have instaled or changed anything lately, as well - if you are using CS2, delete all the folders in adobe applications that say legal.localized or legal. (these are not likely related to your issue, but could have an effect in other ways)

I don't think it's an issue with preview. Also, make sure the fonts being used in the original document (the one that created the pdf's) are running if embedding is an issue.


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