Confluence 6.2.1
I am trying to overwrite the CopyPage.action in order to modify the new page title before it is displayed:
<xwork name="CSR Copy Page Action" key="csrcopypageaction">
<package name="pages" extends="pages" namespace="/pages">
<default-interceptor-ref name="validatingStack"/>
<action name="copypage" class="at.craftworks.confluence.csr.action.CSRCopyPage" method="doDefault">
<result name="input" type="velocity">/pages/copypage.vm</result>
public class CSRCopyPage extends CopyPageAction {
public String doDefault() throws Exception {
String s = super.doDefault();
// modify page title
return s;
My classes doDefault() isnt called, any idea what is missing ?
Thanx in advance!