Labelling/tagging content within a page

Tim Fleming
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February 11, 2016

Hi all,

Newbie Confluence user here - apologies if this is a basic question.
I'd like to tag/label content within a page (e.g. within a table) so that I can pull that data or parts of that data to summarise in another page. Something like how the Page Properties and Page Properties Report macro functionality works by pulling in the label you've attached to a page - I'm looking for something at the content level not at page level.
Make sense, sound possible or am I dreaming? smile



20 answers

26 votes
April 27, 2016

Up-voting your idea since I loved this featured of OneNote; inline tagging allowed me to find certain parts of pages very quickly. OneNote on Windows even allows to automatically generate "tag report" pages, similar to what you're requesting here. If searching for emoticons worked, those could be used alternatively. I up-voted this idea here:

6 votes
Danielle Quinton
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October 29, 2019

I vote for this too. I'd like to be able to tag content within a page to be referenced elsewhere on the page (like a jump-to) or to be referenced on another page.  A link not to a page, but to content within the page.

3 votes
shine pushpan
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November 20, 2019

Yep, exactly what I need. I am trying to create a wiki for our products and I need an anchor/ label which can be pulled from an index page.

3 votes
Liam Cooper
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May 28, 2019

I also want this feature as this would be powerful to be able to take a single set of content and then define tagging for different structural frameworks to then build out other pages dynamically based on a particular topic.

3 votes
Alistair Eldred
February 14, 2019

Yep, exactly what I need right now too.

3 votes
Jennifer Ping August 9, 2016

Count me in as an up-vote too.  I would really like this functionality.

1 vote
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June 3, 2020

OK, So I found an answer to this that is going to suit me.

I used {excerpt} and added the content that I want to be displayed somewhere else inside the excerpt box.

And then I used {Excerpt include} to display the excerpt content from the other page.

This allows me to summarise the info from a few pages into a Quick Reference page.

So instead of labelling specific content on a page, it goes in an {excerpt} box.

Daniel Schmidt
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August 20, 2020

Yes, I found this function as well but it's not quite fit for purpose. Seems like with excerpt inclusion each time you want to pull excerpts from a new page you have to create a new inclusion macro. It'd be nice to just create the inclusion macro once and have it pull content from any new page with the specified tag. Could be I don't understand how the function works as well!

1 vote
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June 3, 2020

Looks like in 4 years no one has found anything.

1 vote
Warwick Matthews
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March 26, 2020

I think label on the fly within context is a must-have!

0 votes
September 21, 2023

I am also looking for something very similar to this

the ability to tag content that is pulled though into a page properties report and then be able to do a type of fuzzy search, so that any tags that have similar meaning could be filtered

0 votes
Deleted user June 29, 2023

We need to be able to tag elements within a table to create backlinks. Please add this feature!

0 votes
Thomas Lunsford February 17, 2023

Potentially a solution...

I was able to add a table of contents to a page and then reference the link to the sections I needed. The key was to publish the page after adding the table of contents item. From that published page view, copy the URLs from the page's table of contents links.

It's still to be determined as to how durable this approach is.

0 votes
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January 26, 2023

Anyone looking for this years later... there's an `/anchor` snippet

0 votes
Joel Ransom June 18, 2021

Five Years. My brain hurts a lot...

0 votes
Amyot Smyth, Aeryn
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May 5, 2021

Five. Years. Later...

0 votes
Rex David
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April 22, 2021

is there still no solution for this? FIVE years later?

0 votes
Liz Higson
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February 3, 2021

Would love this too. 

0 votes
Katie Alford
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May 13, 2020

Another upvote for tagging content within a page.

0 votes
Deleted user March 17, 2020

Indeed, I am also tying to tag/label specific contents form pages and then to be able to collect all of these marked contents (ideally being able to define the area for the recollection, a space, a set of pages or all children pages of a specific page) and to display the collected items on another page. ( as a list, as a table...)

0 votes
Cam Morton
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February 26, 2020

I also fully support this feature, 'content as data' would be fantastic - we have a need to summarise multiple pages that have individual tables, and would like to have a summary page that combines all these tables on the one page.

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