I have a Confluence space using labels to help people find specific pages in the space. As part of this space, we're also using Questions (which also have labels). I want labels in the space itself and the Questions section to be separate so when you click al abel on the space it doesn't show questions and vice versa). Example:
The "Questions" section of the sapce has labels on questions. The 2 red boxes below are labels that exist on questiosn only, not on specific pages.
The space itself (the space that contains Questions) has a Label List macro that lista all macros used within the space.
Not only do I not want those there (I want those labels to ONLY be pages), but if you click on a label, it only shows pages (not questions). So if I find a label that doesn't have a page (just a questions), the label appears, but there is no "Labelled content".
So my question is: Is there way to change the Label List macro to only show pages, not questions?
Thank you!