I am setting up a page that list all the Jira Stories related to a project based on the Insert Jira Issue/Filter, a JQL, setting it to show as a table and selecting the right fields; it shows properly, no issues there, but I also want to show a table in other section in the page with all the Tests in that same project with some detail of the test details.coverage. However, when looking in the Jira Issue/filter columns to display it only allows me to select "Zephyr Teststep". Even if that was enough, when I publish the table it shows in a very crappy way (all the columns of the test steps and all test steps are in a single praragraph (no line breaks or indicators when one column of the teststeps ends or when a new test step starts besides the number).
1- Does anybody know how to format the test steps better? (looking for a solution that does not require to buy yet another plugin for Confluence)
2- Is there a way to get other fileds like the status of the test execution?