My issue consists of two levels:
- I would like to connect an external application. For testing purposes, I will make all requests through Postman.
- In the documentation (on various topics), it is mentioned that I need to connect an application link found in [Admin settings > General configuration > Application links]. (https://confluence.atlassian.com/confkb/oauth-2-0-configuration-for-confluence-1224638905.html). However, I’ve found that it’s actually located in [Admin settings > Data management > Application links].
- A quote from the documentation: "Provide application details
In this type of link, you only need to provide the Redirect URL (also known as Callback URL) from your external application. After authorizing the application, the user will be redirected to this URL with the authorization code. Note: Here https://oauth.pstmn.io/v1/callback is the Postman Callback URL, which is used for testing purposes only." - When I entered the URL for Postman, I received a message saying that there was no response from the URL, and I could fix the link. In the next step, I had to check the "Create incoming link" checkbox and then enter a Customer ID, Name, and public key. So it’s not enough to provide only the redirect URL. When I want to select the scopes that the external application will have access to, a message in the "Outbound Authentication" section appears saying, "<externalappname> is not registered as a customer and cannot submit requests to '<confluenceappname>' (Confluence) using OAuth."
- I would like to integrate Confluence into Make.com. Their documentation (https://www.make.com/en/help/app/confluence?_gl=1*1ea2s1b*_gcl_au*MTIyODc5MDI1OC4xNzI1NDAxODk5*_ga*MjY1MjU0Mjg2LjE3MjU0MDE4OTY.*_ga_MY0CJTCDSF*MTcyOTY2NzMxOS40OS4xLjE3Mjk2NjczMjYuNTMuMC4w) states that providing their redirect URL is sufficient and that it’s even optional. However, I’m encountering the same issue as I described in point 1.
In simple terms, I want to connect my Confluence to another application (my own or Make.com) and be able to retrieve some data from Confluence.
Bonus questions:
a) Using this endpoint (https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/confluence/rest/v2/api-group-page/#api-pages-id-get), I can retrieve many details about the page. Can you advise me on how to get the actual content of the page (all the text) via the API? I found one endpoint for fetching the page content, but it’s deprecated (v1).
b) In the Admin settings, I found a section called "Automation" (for premium users). Is it possible to set it up so that a new or edited page is automatically exported somewhere?
Thank you in advance for your response and assistance. I truly appreciate your time and support.
Have a great day!