How can I find users with special characters in names?

January 25, 2019

We have a lot of users from other countries with special characters in their names, such as 

 ś, ñ, ç, œ, š, ł

When searching I would like to find "Michał" when entering "Michal". Currently I only find this user when I enter the special character in the search field, which I do not have on my keyboard, so that it is quite annoying. Is there any way to do this - or any workaround? 
Thanks for helping out :) 

2 answers

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January 29, 2019

Hi Shannon, 

It is Confluence Server, Version 6.6.8 

There is no message at all, I just cannot find the user. For my example "Michał" I will only find this user when using the special character (which I cannot get in easily). Or I can search with ? instead of special character, but sometimes you are not sure how the name is written and where which special characters are used. 

Therefore in this case it would be perfect to find all users also with special characters in their names based on the regular letter- don't know if that is possible. When I search "Michal Pol" in Google, I will also find links to "Michał Pol". This is what I would like to see in Confluence, too. I hope this clears it up a little 

Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 31, 2019


I'm so sorry for the delay, but I've been having a hard time finding other examples of this.

Where exactly are you searching in Confluence when you have this issue. Is it with User Mentions or the People Directory? When you start to type "Micha" only, does it suggest Michał as an option? I'm curious if you start typing the name if it is able to find them.

In addition, I would recommend reindexing and see if this helps.

  1. Choose the cog icon  , then choose General Configuration
  2. Choose 'Content Indexing' under the heading 'Administration' in the left-hand panel.
  3. Choose the 'Rebuild' button in either the 'Search Index' section.
    (If the indexes have never been built, its button will indicate 'Build' instead of 'Rebuild.)

Lastly, if you want to type the character ł, on my computer if I hold down the L key, the character comes up as an option. I'm not sure which OS you're on, but it's possible this can help you in the future.


January 31, 2019

Hi Shannon, 

Thanks for following up. I know this is a bit special, but quite important for international organisations using Confluence, I guess, 

I search for users in the main Confluence search or in the people directory, both with the same results. Confluence will suggest "Michał" when typing "Micha". In this case this is no big deal, as the special character is at the end of the name. If it is the first or second letter, this is getting more difficult. The problem for users from other countries is that you really don't know if and where there could be special letters in the names.

We have a done reindexing, this did not really help. 

And we all work with Windows OS, holding down the L key results in hundreds of L in the search field :) 

Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 1, 2019


Thank you for confirming. I've done some further investigation and testing on this, and although I am not able to confirm. I would make an assumption that if you were able to change the Indexing Language to Polish, it might help this issue. Unfortunately, I have discovered the following: 

Polish is out of scope because parts of the Stempel analyzer from Lucene uses a non-standard BSD based license which our legal team is still evaluating.

This is per a previous feature request, CONFSERVER-57519 (request to add missing indexing languages to Confluence.)

As a workaround, you would either need to change your keyboard to the Polish Programmer keyboard in order to type the letter, or have a look at the article below:

Please take the time to review this and please let me know if you have any questions about it.



February 4, 2019

Hi Shannon, I assume that this is fixed with Confluence 6.10 if I understand the Release Notes right: 

Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 4, 2019

Hi Jan,

The ł character is encoded, so it's not necessarily an accented character. I've spoken to my Polish colleagues, and they let me know that the character ł is more like a 'w' sound and not an 'l', so I might not expect it to be replaced by an 'l' when searching.

In addition, I think that the search improvements are referring to this feature request:

In Confluence 6.10.0 we only implemented ignoring accents for a set of indexing languages:

  • Brazilian Portugese
  • English
  • French

We have created a new ticket to gather interest in implementing the same feature for German and Czech. Please refer to CONFSERVER-57455.

As this is related to Lucene, and Polish is not supported by Lucene, I believe this might be the reason the characters are not ignored by search.

I'm getting in touch with some members of the Confluence development team to see if my findings are accurate, but I would bet this might be the reason why it's not working.

I'll follow-up with you when I hear back!


0 votes
Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 28, 2019

Hi Jan,

Is this in Confluence Server or Cloud? If it's Server, can you let us know what version you're using?

What message do you get when searching for a user with a special character? That it cannot find the user?



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