Would anyone else like these features added to Database feature?
history log (although i suppose this is already in queue)
add a option for dropdown in a column with exiting distinct values with option to add new, or a fixed list of values.
x-y - matrix with one tag on top (like Board now) and other tag/field value at left
bug: in a new entry added in a filtered view, trying to edit filter column will make item disappear from view. Very inconvenient!
When adding a entry in a sorted view, the added row may appear out of screen when tag field has a default. Please auto-scroll it into view!
adding empty items shouldn't be possible without entering value in some column.
New row should be locked to user (and kept in view) until a key column has been set.
let us adjust row spacing, background color and a logo
Board / Card should have label (small gray text) above/left...or at minimum, tooltip showing it.
Board / Card needs option to hide empty fields.
Board / Card fields should have keep-with-next so for instance two dates would share a row. Also support for date range (with difference view)
Add a DateTime field type. Also, how about letting us choose display format?
Give us the option to select multiple items to for instance change tag
API: need to support updating of a specific row. For instance the Status tag of Env=A and Service=B.
support multi-field sorting.
add a [Now] button in Date & DateTime fields
Automation: DateTime field that gets automatically updated with every change
Automation: DateTime field that gets automatically updated when tag is changed
Automation: DateTime field that gets filled when an item is created. A "AddedOn" and "AddedBy" (for who added) could be automatically filled.
Add a simple timeline view to visualize specific date fields (dot or start-end line) with Tag and link/popup showing row Card.
A richtext field type would be nice. It would interpret html tags and enable inclusion of links. Or make smartlink fieldtype able to keep surrounding text out of the link.
Add StartsWith and EndsWith as Filtering operators. Also a ContainsWord would be nice (match “SA” with any of “SA something”, “Something SA” and “some SA thing”)
Copy button to copy all (or predefined columns) to a new Entry
Template concept: Entries that can easily be hidden from normal use but that are easily accessible as template when adding an entry.
Webhook / other integrations:
issue add to Jira when switch to specific Tag values. And Jira status change when away from Tag value.
javascript function called when something changes and on schedule. With easy access to change specific fields (and entries).
If one of these fancies you, feel free to pick out, refine and throw at atlassian!
Great list!
Some of these features are already in Atlassian's backlog. You can vote for them - I've filtered the list down to Database-related ideas: https://jira.atlassian.com/issues/?jql=project%20%3D%20CONFCLOUD%20AND%20component%20%3D%20Database%20ORDER%20BY%20votes%20DESC
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