Now that we have the Cloud/Server dropdown, we have created a dedicated subcollection for Confluence Cloud. If you're interested in Confluence Cloud-focused content, you can watch the collect...
Chante Butler's ultimate goal is to build a culinary program for children that opens their minds to science and technology all around them, even in cooking. But in the meantime, she's building her en...
Hello Atlassian Community! We're back with exciting updates for Confluence Server & Data Center: the launch of the Confluence Server mobile apps and CalDAV support in Team Calendars. Read...
Nearly, three years ago I got the job to implement Atlassian’s Confluence at BÜFA-Group, a medium-sized German company in the chemical industry, active in chemical trading, cleaning te...
...hen your accompanying thoughts ought not be put on public display. While the basics of shares vs. @mentions aren’t exactly rocket science, there are some nuances to consider before you can claim f...
Hi there, I'm a Product Manager on the Confluence Cloud team at Atlassian. Our team is currently conducting customer interviews to understand how our users use Confluence. If you or one of y...
...hared with love... ## @param Status:title=Style type|type=enum|required=true|enumValues=Default,Success,Primary,Danger,Info,Warning|desc=Choose a status. ## @param title:title=Note title|type=s...
...ontent page Stakeholder Send classification Publication list Subject A Subject B Pre-header Sender profile Query & list size UTM & c...
...o, we’ve posted detailed information about our Security Management Program, responded publicly to the Cloud Security Alliance Questionnaire, posted about how we built our internal c...
Hi all, I want to start a discussion on if & how user macros are used in Confluence Server instances around the world. At our company we use them quite a lot to get more out of existing Confluen...
Update: Thanks for all your help with our Search UI testing - it's now come to a close. Hello Community 👋 This year the Confluence Server team is working on improving Search. We're currently...
So I have spent some time trying to figure how to discard all changes to a collaborative draft. It goes without saying the publishing and reverting is not a great solution. I have found a t...
This is part two of an article about creating a user macro that renders out an attached CSV file as a table. Part one of the article has the code for this user macro. I cannot put the code here as we...
...unction(){ secondBlur = true; window.parent.AJS.${d}('${p}macro-param-Page').focus(); window.parent.AJS.${d}('${p}macro-param-Page').blur(); }, 5...
Whether he's rooting for Otto the Orange or cruising to campus on his motorcycle, @Brian Chabot undeniably channels the school spirit of his employer, Syracuse University. In this show...
Hello Atlassian Community! My name is Ada, and I'm the Product Marketing Manager for Confluence Server at Atlassian. We're releasing new versions of Confluence faster than ever so you can take...
LinkedIn, the world's largest business network has an exceptionally large Confluence instance. In their case, large means millions of pages and thousands of spaces. In this Showcase, we're focusing i...
先日アトラシアンの公式ブログ(英語) の A quick and easy guide to Confluence shortcuts でも紹介されていた Confluence のショートカット表の日本語版を作成しました!デスクトップとして保存して利用するもよし、オフィスの壁に貼ってちょっとした時間に覚えるのもいいのではないでしょうか?こちらからPDF版の ダウンロ...
...If you don't want that information going public, add some page restrictions to the page. 18 Days left... Today's package contains a very small, but very useful hint. The admin e...
Hi everyone, My name's Phil and I’m a product manager on Confluence Cloud. Our long-term mission is to help you create beautiful content with ease in both Confluence desktop and mobile, in a stable...
...efine a fixed size for the panels on a page like that: The macro has no body. Its template looks like that: ## @param 0:title=Width|type=string|required=true|desc=Width in Pixel (important: add "px" to t...
Hello Atlassian Community! The following post is the first of a weekly series called Community Spotlight. Every week, I'll post a Q+A style write-up that will shed light on some o...
Bonobos is an e-commerce platform that designs and sells men's clothing, promising customers a better fit and easier buying experience than ever. Over the past 8 years, Bonobos has logged enviable gr...
Turning IT up! Hi, everybody! For this week's Community Showcase, I'm typing in gratitude to the sweet, streaming sound ofThe Beatles radio that is blaring through my earbuds. Spotify...
Confluence Cloud のバージョンを確認する方法を紹介します。 メニューの Help > About Confluence を選択する 表示されるモーダル内の "License Information for Confluence Cloud" の下に表示されているのがバージョンです 管理者および利用者が製品のバージョンを気にかける必...