Lack of visibility is often the most significant catalyst of bottlenecks, trust, or relationship issues in the workplace or our personal lives.
Recently, I have seen way too many examples of people working outside their company's tooling, restricting content from the eyes of their collaborators, or simply never giving the path to it.
What does visibility in the workplace mean?
That's simply how well teams and supervisors are aware of each other's activities, contributions, and accomplishments.
It matters for several reasons:
How much visibility is too much?
Extended visibility can sometimes have negative effects on relationships between team members. Constant visibility can create pressure to always be productive and visible, leading to stress and burnout among team members. Or fuel unhealthy competition between them because of sensitive and unrestricted data.
How could you achieve visibility across your collaboration tools?
Confluence Cloud is a collaboration tool that helps teams kick off, organize, discuss, and share work in one place. It promotes company-wide visibility through its various features, flexible restrictions, and narrow permission schemes.
Using Confluence's levels of access and visibility can save you from the doomed story of people working in separate Google Docs, Word files, Excel Sheets, and more without coordinating with each other.
Utilizing permissions, restrictions, user groups, labels, and categories
Aside from being one of the best collaboration tools, Confluence Cloud helps organizations promote company-wide visibility while keeping security and confidentiality where needed, making it the best choice for teams of any size.
And it sure is for me. 💙
Teodora V _Fun Inc_
Putting Pieces Together @ Fun Inc
Fun Inc
Sofia, Bulgaria
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