I guess folders are OK for organizing content behind the scenes but they are not visible to the end user. I mean they are visible but not in a hypertexty way, where I can just click through rather than going back to the tree view every time. If I want my browsable content to match the underlying folder structure I have to create an index page in each folder that contains links to each document or sub-folder. This just seems to add unnecessary duplication. Why not have the option to create or generate index content at the folder level?
In some places we have a parent page which describes what the format of the pages under it should be. In one place we created a folder, but now want to convert it back to a parent page to give that context for the pages under it.
Folders are a very useful addition to structuring pages, thank you very much for that.
But is it possible that it is not possible to create a Confluence page via a Jira automation with a folder as the parent? That is a real shame, as we have a use case where at the time the page is created it has not yet been decided which parent the page should ultimately be attached to.
Is it possible that this functionality will be rolled out in the foreseeable future?
Is there a way to change the icon per folder? We haven icons/emoji for every page, when converting them to folders, we get all the same icon, which is a downer.