I am having an issue authenticating to Bitbucket server through a proxy. I've experienced this with the cloud version of Bitbucket and also a self-hosted server that I set up for testing....
Hey, I've gained write access to a repo, but I'm not an admin, I wanted to remove branches from a repo completely without possibility to restore it. I've deleted some using web UI, some using git cli...
HI, If we need to cancel the subscription, what is your cancelation policy and procedures?
My bitbucket account has IP whitelisting enabled, so no other IP can access it only the ones that are whitelisted. I need to give access to a repo to an online app that does not have a static IP, wi...
Since version 2.7.1 KeyChain can't keep my BitBucket login registered anymore, SourceTree asks me to login again tons of time. Any fix for this? The ones I've found on the web don't seem to work. I'v...
We recently reached the 2GB repository size limit. I found the culprit files, however when i either try to delete them directly from bitbucket, or remove them via sourcetree, i am denied. &nbs...
Hi, Is there a simple api rest point that say if an user is part of a team? I know the endpoint uri: https://bitbucket.org/api/2.0/teams?role=member , but the problem is that i should manage th...
I've just updated to a paid plan, because I've reached 5 users. Now that I've paid and upgraded, the box to add new users is gone!!!! which means that I can't add any more users Please help
Hello, I am writing a login plugin for BitBucket. To login the user i use UserService.authenticate to login with username and password and UserService.preauthenticate to login if authenticati...
Hi ,I want to push my project in created repositiory ,please help me how push code .
Looking to sign up for BitBucket in the cloud and would like to know if it supports SAML.
New to this environment at work. Jobs (1 per uService) are grouped under a single repo. Each job references a single uService tree ("project" in local terms). I'm looking to find a means of ...
master branch just got deleted, after merging master to development. This is unexpected, since "master" is protected against deletion. Find attached a screenshot from "Branch permissions", which sho...
It used to be really easy to setup a service to email commit diffs to a list of people. I see it has been deprecated in favour of email notifications, web hooks and connect integration. &nb...
Hi everyone! i'm trying to access to my account on bitbucket to see all my repos from my AS projects, the thing is that i can't see neither the SIDE NAVBAR nor the repos... i don't know if its proble...
I'm receiving this error when following the steps to cache gradle, outlined here: https://confluence.atlassian.com/bitbucket/caching-dependencies-895552876.html "Cache "gradle": Error downloading. ...
For pipelines requiring the same actions always (branch push, tag push) now require separate steps and thus copy-paste of code. How about allowing default pipeline to run in both cases, and let the u...
Bitbucket Pipeline makes available the environment variable `BITBUCKET_COMMIT` which contains the commit hash of a commit that kicked off the build. My build requires additional metadata about t...
When a release is assignes to a commit in BitBucket, is there a way to trigger an update to the release field on the linked JIRA ticker?
Hi I have use the following commands in my script to compare between tags in Bitbucket git init git clone ssh://git@bitbucket-us:XXXX/bitbucket/digoc/$1.git cd $1 pwd git log --no-merges --name...
Hi, I am trying to checkout my AWS codecommit repository using Source tree seems i am facing lot of error in source tree and its always returning HTTP Error 403 please find the below errors ...
I want change my plan to free! can not find bitbucket setting, though! is not located in the left bottom of my account page.
Hi , I have purchased standard license which about the cost of $10 and it contains 5 users per month . I like to increase 10 more users in standard license . Could any one help on this qu...
I have added a Bitbucket DVCS account to JIRA and from JIRA issues it automatically links to the commits on Bitbucket that have the issue identifier and it works great. However in the logs I see a m...
Hi, We are using the changeset diffstat resource described here to retrieve the diff stats associated with a commit. https://confluence.atlassian.com/bitbucket/changesets-resource-296095208.html B...
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