System :
windows 7, pagent ( from putty distribution)
I got the following error ( on a repository that was working for a long time fine) .
$ git fetch
FATAL ERROR: Server unexpectedly closed network connection
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
Checking the access ( ==ssh key) I tried
$ ssh -v
And got at the end of all messages
logged in as myusername
So I concluded it was not an access right issue. ( also checked git remote -v what as also ok).
From an other computer I could access the repository on Bitbucket so it was also not on that side.
Finally I exit pagent and loaded only the key for bitbucket and I could fetch and push my changes.
So something went wrong when pagent was offering keys to the git Bitbucket server .
But what can be the cause :
Is there a limited number of keys that can be offered by pagent ?
Are there type of keys ( short keys, ) that can cause the the server closes the connection ?
Other reasons ?
The keys I load into pagent is not alway the same.