Hi Everyone,
I'm starting to look into Dynamic Pipelines and I'm really intrigued by what I might be able to do with them. However, I'm having a bit of a tough time getting started. The documentation I've found seems rather non-existent as to how to design and structure providers, or even give adequate use-cases, and I'm really hoping I've missed something. But so far, the best I've found is this YouTube! video by Edmund Munday and this wiki page.
Is there some other technical "Getting Started" or Intro type documentation beyond these (I've worked through the tutorial, but that barely scratches the surface).
For example, how does one use labels? The only reference to a labels section existing in a bitbucket-pipelines.yml file that I've found is in the Bitbucket Dynamic Pipelines Provider Reference wiki. I would have thought there would be more in-depth documentation somewhere in the Bitbucket Pipelines configuration reference but that wiki makes no mention of a labels section, how to use it, or even that it exists.
I'd love to start using dynamic pipelines for things, if someone can just point me to some well written, comprehensive documentation on them.