Is it possible to use `curl` or another command line tool to retrieve the latest revision of a private snippet? I've generated an AppPassword and have been able to fetch specific revisions and I've tried variations of the URL to no avail...
curl -L --user <user>:<apppass><user>/gerkBR/files/<file>
curl -L --user <user>:<apppass> '!api/2.0/snippets/<user>/gerkBR/files/<file>'
What's odd is that the second version seems to redirect to the latest version in the browser, but only after I view the raw version. The URL of the raw snippet has a "!" in front of `api` in the path, which is also unusual.
Anyways, I'd really appreciate any help! I'm trying to store templates for config files as private snippets. I'm using Bamboo and copy the configs into my apps before building/deploying.
Thank you,