Guys the solution is simple. Just switch to GitHub, they have an import tool that can convert a hg repo into a git repo within minutes (all commits preserved). Hg was the main reason I chose bitbucket over GitHub years ago. Since I'm forced to use git now, might as well use github moving forward.
@himeldas you may want to read the previous page as to why "just using the GitHub importer" is not as simple as it seems.
Spoiler: it is not guaranteed to preserve all commits for example. But there are ways to move to GitHub that do ensure you won't lose anything (see previous page).
The reason why a git importer cannot be complete is that the branching model is not equivalent. Git loses ancestry of any branch that gets merged one or more times.
And there lies the problem: You cannot move history to git without losing information. It is better than CVS but don't try to sell it for what it cannot deliver.
I was looking for a small service that can carry my personal projects and ended up here However, for production use I am looking at offline backups.
FWIW, I'm probably moving my open source stuff to Heptapod who've kindly setup a project that will allow me to have several repos together. The initial import (commits, issues, PRs, etc.) went well and I was able to setup CI fairly quickly. The GitLab model is a bit different to Bitbucket, et al. as it doesn't support personal forks but I think it's worth giving it a go.
Atlassian is still extremely keen on force-feeding changes on us so I wonder what they'll break next. :-/
Here's an issue we're seeing when converting our BitBucket Hg repositories to Git and pushing them back up to BitBucket: the repository when converted to Git exceeds the 2GB limit that BitBucket imposes...
How have others handled this situation? As far as I know, there's no way to get BitBucket to relax the repository size limitation, so we need a solution that's usable.
One thought is to limit how far back in time the commit history of the repository goes. For example, if the head of our respository is currently at v12.3.4, perhaps we can create the new Git repo containing history going back only to, say, v6.1.2.
I know that some of you are freaking out that your hg repos are marked for death. I have been freaked out for a while, but finally converted all my hg repos to git and I figured this might help someone.
Throwing this out there. NO SUPPORT. And apolgies in advance for how crap of a shell scripter I am. ALSO: I use both hg and git in the simplest way. No branches, no spider merges, one contributor, private repos. So if you aren't me, no guarantees.
Worked for me on Windows 10 Ent, Py3 3.6.7, hg 5.0.2, git 2.18, in a git bash window.
1. Install hg-git plug into hg following steps 1 and 2 of this article.
2. For any given repo (example repo here called "orbit") this is the basic procedure:
You don't have to create the dest repos in advance. You can make them after. But you DO have to git push the repo into the git repo (as shown above). All my commits and history came across, which to me is approximately magic, but hey that's great.
So given that, I hacked this shell script together.
IMPORTANT: No support. Lots of rm -rfs in there. so use at your own risk. Good luck.
#!/bin/bash # hg -> git conversion script. # This is loosely based on this article: # # For testing with just one repo #repos=( # "myrepo1" #) # And once that works, let her rip on all your repos repos=( # "repo1" # "repo2" # "repo3" # if you've already run some, just comment them out "repo4" "best_repo" "love_this_one" )
# For coloring output r="\e[91m" g="\e[92m" b="\e[94m" c="\e[96m" m="\e[95m" y="\e[93m" d="\e[39m" # This kinda preflight what's going to happen without destroying # everything, you can uncomment the pf=echo line and most destructive operations # will echo the command rather than execute it. #pf=echo pf=
# IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT # MODIFY THESE LINES hgprefix="ssh://<your_bb_user_name>/" gitprefix="<your_bb_user_name>/" echo -e "${m}==============================================================${d}" echo -e "conv: 1.0" echo -e "hg: $(hg --version -q)" echo -e "git: $(git --version)" echo -e "${m}==============================================================${d}" echo -e
# Main loop count=${#repos[@]} for (( i=0; i<${count}; i++ )) do repo=${repos[${i}]} hgurl="${hgprefix}${repo}" gitrepo="${repo}_git" giturl="${gitprefix}${gitrepo}" hgdir="${repo}" baredir="${repo}_bare" gitdir="${repo}_git" # Report fi=$((i+1)) echo -e "${m}▒▓█■${d} ${fi}/${count}: ${c}${repo}${d} from ${hgurl} to ${giturl}:" # CWD: conv # Clone the hg repo if [[ -d "${hgdir}" ]]; then echo -e "hg dir already exists for ${repo}, skipping clone" else echo -e " ${c}CLONING${d}" if ! ${pf} hg clone "${hgurl}" "./${hgdir}"; then echo -e "hg clone failed ${hgurl}" exit 1 fi fi # CWD: conv # Init a new bare git repo to clone into if [[ -d "./${baredir}" ]]; then echo -e " ${c}NUKING BAREDIR${d}" ${pf} rm -rf "./${baredir}" fi echo -e " ${c}GIT INITING BAREDIR${d}" if ! ${pf} git init --bare "./${baredir}"; then echo -e "git init --bare failed for ${baredir}" exit 1 fi # CWD: conv # Bookmark master pushd "./${hgdir}" &> /dev/null || exit 1 # CWD: hgdir echo -e " ${c}HG BOOKMARKNG HGDIR${d}" if ! ${pf} hg bookmark -r default master; then echo -e "hg bookmark failed for ${repo}" exit 1 fi # CWD: hgdir # Push our repo into the bare repo. This magical operation is actually carried # out by the hg-git Mercurial plugin I have installed. echo -e " ${c}HG PUSHING TO BAREDIR${d}" pwd if ! ${pf} hg push "../${baredir}"; then echo -e "hg push to bare repo failed for ${repo}" exit 1 fi popd &> /dev/null || exit 1 # CWD: conv # Now git clone the bare git repo into a regular git repo (I have *no idea* # what any of# this bare repo shit means.) if [[ -d "./${gitdir}" ]]; then echo -e " ${c}NUKING GITDIR${d}" ${pf} rm -rf "./${gitdir}" fi pushd "./${baredir}" &> /dev/null || exit 1 if ! ${pf} git clone . "../${gitdir}"; then echo -e " ${c}HG CLONING TO GITDIR${d}" echo -e "git clone from bare to regular failed for ${repo}" exit 1 fi popd &> /dev/null || exit 1 # CWD: conv # Set remote origin on gitdir since we know what it will be called. We try to # push, but the remote may not exist yet pushd "./${gitdir}" &> /dev/null || exit 1 echo -e " ${c}SETTING REMOTE ORIGIN FOR GITDIR${d}" if ! ${pf} git remote set-url origin "${gitprefix}${gitdir}.git"; then echo -e "git remote set-url origin failed for ${gitdir}" exit 1; fi echo -e " ${c}PUSHING GITDIR${d}" if ! ${pf} git push; then echo -e "git push failed for ${gitdir}, remote may not yet exist, ignoring." fi popd &> /dev/null || exit 1 # CWD: conv # Delete intermediate bare repo echo -e " ${c}NUKING BAREDIR${d}" if ! ${pf} rm -rf "./${baredir}"; then echo -e "Couldn't delete ${baredir}, ignoring" fi # Report echo -e "Conversion of ${repo}: ${g}SUCCESS${d}"
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@Jerry Gardner the solution to this is to move to GitHub instead. I'm not trying to be witty, really, in the long run you're much better off with GitHub, including larger repo sizes. GitHub's offering is another league compared to Bitbucket, even its free tier. If you have the time to do this right, I suggest you to move to GitHub, as we also did.
I have done this conversion in the past and I suggest a slightly different strategy (supposing that you are using named branches in your mercurial repository): 1.install the latest hg-git, one which supports, thanks to Manuel Jacob, named branches. then put the following
2. in your gobal .hgrc
[git] export-additional-refs.named-branch-heads:revset = head() and not branch('re:\Adefault\Z') export-additional-refs.named-branch-heads:template = refs/heads/{branch}
3. make via the bitbucket interface a git repo (say your orginal repo is called mycool_code) call it mycool_code_git
4. hg-git does not support https only ssh, so make sure that your ssh public key is installed
5. in your local hgrc (of the mycool_code repo) add
I didn't want to stop using Mercurial, and can't really do a paid service right now, so what I ended up doing was:
Import my repository into a (temporary) new GitHub repository
Use one of the Bitbucket-to-GitHub issue migrators to migrate the issues. I used but I discovered it does not migrate the attachments, so consider finding another if that will be a problem for you.
Create a new project on SourceForge
Use the SourceForge import tools to import the GitHub issues into Tickets in the SourceForge project.
Clone the empty SourceForge codebase onto my local machine. This is important for some reason!
"hg pull" my actual repository into the empty local repository cloned from SourceForge.
Have been migrating hg to git repos within butbucket. So far its been not so painful btu has invloved Tons of manual steps (creating the new repo,Moving across user access, ssh keys, jira links, pipelines, etc. )
The Issue Im facing is for forked repos.. the Fork information does not survive the migration process (using hg-fast-export).
So how to replicate the forks as they are?
Does anyone have a solution for this? if so what is it?
Extremely Frustrating that Atlassian is not only dropping support, but also deleting your repo, while not providing a single helpfull automation tool even if it couldn't handle EVERY use case it could have at least got most of the way there...
@Raphael Pepi This would be a bit of a pain, but if you fork your new master Git repository on BitBucket, use hg-fast-export on an old hg fork, and then force push that converted fork to your new git fork on BitBucket, I think it might work?
It won't preserve issues/pull requests/etc though. My tool (bitbucket-hg-exporter - see earlier pages here), while designed for moving to GitHub, can create a static archive of that content without migrating to GitHub, so may be of interest (but there is no way to migrate PR discussions to your new git repos either on GitHub or BitBucket)
Can someone from Atlassian Team explain to me why I can't see my private Hg repos if the support for Hg will be removed only on 1 July? I can access public Hg repos, but don't have access to private ones. Do they already removed permanently?
**UPD.** It looks like a problem with authentication of users. After relogin I get the access to all repos.
@eao197 I can still see my private Hg repos. I suggest you log an official support ticket with them as Atlassian staff have not been consistently responding here.
That is certainly bad form. There are very nice Mercurial hosting services out there but Bitbucket is no longer one of them. Squatting on the ad-words is not about to change that.
The "likely to recommend..." score plummeted during the last months below zero.
The easiest way to convert from Hg to Git seems to be to use the Github repository importer:
This successfully converted and imported the first repository I tried, directly from Bitbucket. It asks for repository URL and Bitbucket user name and password and took about five minutes for the small repository I tested with.
Very easy to use. Shame that Bitbucket didn't make a similar tool. I was happy here but clearly Github wanted me more.
Once my repositories are in Github then I'll give it a try and if I don't like it I may go back to Bitbucket, or to Gitlab.