Bitbucket Mentions

How do @mentions work in Bitbucket


Like all other Atlassian products you can mention members of your Workspace in Bitbucket to draw attention to a comment, assign default reviewers, or assign tasks in a pull request.

To mention a person, type ‘@' then start typing their name. Choose the person you want to mention from the list of suggestions. The list of suggestions will vary based on the privacy of the repository:

  • For private repositories, the list of people suggested will include all of the users in the current Workspace. Over time this list will be ordered based on team members that you interact with most often.

  • For public repositories, the list of people will include all users with a Bitbucket account.

default reviewers.png

The display of the user mentioned is based on their profile settings. All mentions validate what users wish to make visible to ensure GDPR compliance.

What if the user does not have access to the repository?

In a private repository, the user mentioned might not have access to the content where they are mentioned. In this case, you will see a warning that the specific user may not be able to view the content. When this occurs, you have a few options:

  • Grant them access

  • Remove the mention

  • Keep the mention in place as a reference for other users

create PR.png

Public repositories are visible to everyone, so any user mentioned will have access to view the content where they have been mentioned.

1 comment

a7madgamal October 17, 2022

Is it possible to mention teams or a group of users at once?


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