Hello Bamboo Community!
Elias from Bamboo Support here with an update on Bitbucket Cloud repositories. Bamboo now uses the Workspaces API for authentication when creating and modifying Bitbucket Cloud repositories. Starting earlier this month, Bitbucket Cloud has migrated to using the Workspaces API for authentication. This, along with the deprecation of the Bitbucket API users endpoint, recently led to authentication issues when configuring new or existing Bitbucket Cloud Linked repositories.
Bamboo versions 6.10.6 and 7.0.3 use the updated API by default and upgrading to take advantage of the new Bitbucket feature is our recommendation. However, we understand that there are times when an upgrade is not immediately possible and have provided the following workarounds for you in the meantime:
If you are using Bamboo version 7.0.1 or 7.0.2, the following System Property can be added following the steps outlined in Configuring your system properties:
There are patches available for Bamboo versions 6.8.3, 6.9.2, and 6.10.5 on the bug report that add support for the System Property. These patches may work for near patch versions, please contact Bamboo Support for verification.
If you are using an earlier version, we recommend creating Linked repositories of type Git or Mercurial to connect to your Bitbucket Cloud repositories.
Please note that if you use an email address for your Bitbucket Cloud username in Bamboo, please use the Bitbucket account name instead. This can be found from your user profile as follows:
Ellie Z _they_them_
Software Engineer
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