Is it possible to append text from a Jira ticket description and then add it to the summary?
For example, say the in the description of a ticket it includes a name. Such as, "Please disable Firstname Lastname"
Would it be possible to take that first and last name in the description and add it to the Jira ticket summary? Such as, "Termination - Firstname Lastname"
Another way we solved this kind of thing was to create a user picker field for the requestor to indicate the user the action is intended for. Especially helpful for request types where supervisors need to request something on behalf of one of their team.
Please note that this solution will work only if the terminated user has a Jira user, so it can be selected in a User Picker field.
Yes and no :)
If description is a free form, then each user can write text in unique way i.e:
- Could you please remove Name Surname
- Please disable Name Surname
- On a next Monday we will fire Name Surname, so deactivate him plz
etc etc etc
Best way is to add in a submit form a custom short text field 'Name' and make it obligated.
Then via automation you can read content of that field and add that data to the title.
As suggested by others in this thread. The difficult part resides in the description field's content. The field itself is multi-lines text field, so it is hard to grab the right information from the content for your summary add-on.
Another thing is that Summary is a single line of text, where there is a 256 characters limitation as far as I know of. So any text that exceeds the limitation will raise an error.
I would vote for @Paul Stallworth suggestion on creating a people-picker custom field idea.
Hope this helps.
Best, Joseph Chung Yin
Jira/JSM Functional Lead, Global Infrastructure Applications Team
Viasat Inc.
Using JIRA Automation and smart values this is feasible.
You will need to experiment based on your use case. However, you can extract a value using below expression
{{issue.description.substringBetween("<name>", "</name>")}}
The text needs to be like this for the automation to pick the content marked in bold between the tags
First Name
I haven’t looked at them in detail yet - but maybe with the new forms capability?