Moving Tasks back under stories

Gary Lau
August 2, 2024

Hi All

Yes the question sounds simple and I have scoured the internet for answers ... I am asking because I feel I have fundamentally set up my framework incorrectly. Yes I am new to Jira .. this is my 1st week ... and hopefully I am using the correct terminology .. so please stay with me here.

When I built my framework I did it all in "Gantt Chart" view. So I would add an epic / story / task / subtask as per pic 1 (Right click the 6 dots / Add / Child Issue / etc). I did it this way because my seniors would like to see the project this way, and IMO its laid out logically so I can see the whole picture to ensure I had the framework correct. 

This was working all fine until I realised my structure was 1 too deep. Previously had DM7 / DM8 as "stories" as opposed to "Epics", which created a layer that I didn't really require. So I changed them from "Stories" to "Epics", and the "Tasks" to "Stories". 

So because DM8a was (previously) a task ... "Master Input Data" was a subtask. So I changed it from a "Sub task" to a "Task" by moving it as an "issue". However I cannot move "Master Input Data" task  back under DM8a "story" ?

I did think about deleting it and starting it again .. but there are already lots of notes within the task, so I don't know if copying it and restarting is a possibility ?

Anyhow .. it what I am after is the structure that is under DM7b (except the "subtasks " shown in pic 2 below should be "tasks")

So my questions are:
1. Is it possible ? If so, how ?
2. Does it even matter if it sits under a story as a "task" or "Subtask" ?
3. I did think about deleting it and starting it again .. but there are already lots of notes within the task, so I don't even know if copying it and restarting is a possibility ?

So i've made a mess from when I first started ... can anyone help me out ??

Thanks :)

Pic #1Screenshot 2024-08-02 215240.png


Pic #2








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Gary Lau
August 4, 2024

So I found out how to fix it .. hopefully this helps anyone looking at this.

1. Change the issue type

2. Then click into the story (or whatever issue type was changed above) and link it as per below. (My issue was that I did not know "contains" would link it)


After that it should be correct from a OCD point of view :P

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Charlotte Santos
August 5, 2024

Hi @Gary Lau

Thank you for posting! I’m Charlotte from WBS Gantt-chart support team.

I see that you've already found a way to fix your issue. However, I would like to give you more information on how to change the structure of an issue in WBS Gantt-Chart for Jira.

You can do it from inside WBS, you need to select the issue you want to edit, and click the Edit button:

Screenshot 2024-08-05 at 12.51.33.png

From there you can indent or outdent an issue, move it up or down in the structure according to your need. Indent changes the hierarchy down one step (i.e. it makes an issue the child of the one above it). Outdent is the reverse of this. It changes the hierarchy up one step. 

Please refer to our documentation here for more information on that.

If you have any other doubts or concerns, don't hesitate to share them with us, we'll be happy to help you! 😉

Kind regards,

Charlotte S. | Support Engineer
Ricksoft Support Team

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