I am trying to upload a JSON file with the test results to Jira Xray using the "Import Execution Results" option from the Test Execution. The file follows this format:
"testExecutionKey": "QAPCX-258",
"info": {
"project": "QAPCX",
"summary": "Ejecución de pruebas automatizada",
"description": "Resultados de pruebas ejecutadas con WebDriverIO",
"startDate": "2025-02-27T15:01:48.375Z",
"finishDate": "2025-02-27T15:01:48.375Z"
"tests": [
"testInfo": {
"summary": "Complete Shift Flow",
"type": "Automated",
"steps": [
"action": "Open Shift",
"data": "Validate Welcome Message in Home Page: passed; Validation Completed: passed; Click Open Turn Button: passed; Clicked Open Shift Button: passed; Validate Open Shift Message: passed; Open Shift Message Validated: passed",
"result": "passed"
"action": "Validate Fuel Sale Text",
"data": "Validate Fuel Sale Text: passed; Fuel Sale Text Validation Completed: passed",
"result": "passed"
"action": "Validate Hung Text",
"data": "Validate Hung Text: passed; Hung Text Validation Completed: passed",
"result": "passed"
"action": "Close Shift",
"data": "Click Close Shift successfully: passed; Clicked Close Shift Button: passed; Screenshots Saved: passed; Validate Welcome Message in Home Page: passed; Close Shift Validation Completed: passed",
"result": "passed"
"iterations": [
"name": "Status test",
"parameters": [
"name": "e2e",
"value": "Complete Shift Flow"
"log": "Test passed successfully",
"status": "PASSED"
However, when I try to upload this file directly from the "Test Execution," I get the following error:
"Error de-serializing execution results file"
Could someone help me understand what might be causing this error and how to fix it? Is there any additional field I need to include or a specific structure I need to follow for the file to import correctly?
Thank you in advance for the help!