And by this I mean the ability to add Stories to a Story, and then add stories to those stories, enabling a multi level hierarchy of stories.
I am developing a plugin that does just that and I think it will be useful for organising backlogs and decomposing stories beyond the Epic->Story->Subtask model.
I am interested in your opinions and suggestions around this topic to help shape the plugin, and I am also looking for early adopters in case you're interested.
Actually, no. I've worked in a lot of places, some of which have tried to do sub-tasks of sub-tasks, and the best description of the place that did it best was "a micro-managed mess that never got anything done because everyone was forced to focus on fragments of work".
The definition of a story (something you can commit to and complete within a sprint" is about the right level. Sub-tasks have a lot of uses for decomposing stories further, but sub-tasks of sub-tasks is almost always pointless noise or indicative of a broken process.
Having said that it's generally wrong to go down below sub-tasks, I welcome everything that lets us go up in the heirarchy - the most effective place I've seen had Programme -> Saga -> Epic -> Story -> Sub-task. A decade later, they're still using that, and they're still highly productive.
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