A guy on our team has created an extension for Chrome and Firefox that lets you control the width of the card being displayed on the board. There is also a Standup mode to cut out the menu links and clutter to better run Standup meetings.
Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/better-jira/
Glad you like it - it has been very helpful for our organization.
Same here. And few weeks ago it started to fail the scrolling with the arrows of the keyboard and now it's totally not working...
scroll bar is back now
Now I have some users asking for this in Edge too. Halp!
Is it possible to make it work with cross-project board like : `https://<company>.atlassian.net/jira/people/712320:4031e64e-e155-4537-95c8-a0f24a3f8598/boards/192/`?
It will be really helpful
I’m not sure how much the vendor is still maintaining this. Check with him directly