Webinar: Tips and tricks for getting started with Tempo Timesheets

Join the Tempo experts in this webinar on March 17 and learn how to successfully get started with Tempo Timesheets. We will cover how to track time in different ways, how to set up permissions so you can see all the data you need, and how to roll out Tempo for big and small instances. We will also show you how to run your first reports to quickly benefit from the tool.

Whether you are getting started with Tempo, or just want to review your current setup, this is the webinar for you. 45-minute session + Q&A 

March 17 @ 08:00 PST  / 11:00 EST / 15:00 GMT

Register here: https://www.tempo.io/webinars/tips-and-tricks-getting-started-tempo-timesheets-march



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