We get stuff done in Jira all the time — in a day, a week, a sprint — but the journey to get an issue from “Backlog” to “Done” is most often a long one.
For software teams, it might mean jumping from the Backlog/Planning to Code Review to QA Testing. For support teams, it might mean going from Investigating to Waiting for Customer. For marketing teams, it might mean In Progress to Pending Approval.
Structure by Tempo, the project portfolio management app — which is compatible with Jira Software, Jira Service Management, and Jira Work Management — now has a Time in Status column that lets you see exactly how much time your issues spend in each status of your Jira workflow.
Combined with Structure’s ability to visualize any custom issue hierarchy, group issues as needed, and sum up values, the Time in Status feature will help surface important metrics critical to understanding — and improving — your team’s processes.
You can include as many Time in Status columns as you need in a structure to display the data you need:
Use the Time in Status feature to see what slows work down and find problem areas in the workflow that need more attention.
Keep tabs on time spent in the current status and give the teams a nudge if tasks are looking stuck.
Or, add a Time in Status column for each status in your workflow to uncover insights about where your team is struggling. For example, if tickets spend a lot of time in QA testing or code review, you can investigate whether those teams have the right resources or otherwise need help.
Time in Status values roll up to the parent issue or any grouping, so you can quickly surface the data you need to optimize your work.
With the Time in Status feature, you can also see the total time spent by issues transitioning from one status to another.
It’s yet another way to see what’s causing any holdups, track how your teams are faring on their tasks, and implement productive changes to your processes.
➡️ Learn more about the Time in Status feature in Structure for Jira Cloud. Are you using Data Center or Server? The feature is available there, too.
➡️ Hearing about Structure for the first time? Try the project portfolio management app free for 30 days.
Kathryn Vargas _Tempo_
Product Manager (Tempo), Atlassian Community Leader (Berlin)
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