Recently at DEISER, we launched the latest version of a useful app for project management and project tracking: Profields 7. It comes with a bunch of new features and improvements designed to track projects in Jira, save time, gain control and make decisions based on advanced reporting, notifications and visual insights.
On this post we're going to show you one of our favorites new functionalities of the app, the Releases View, specially made to take control of your product versions:
Profields 7.0 enables Jira users to visualize a temporary view of the upcoming project releases at a glance, the iterations and the status of each of them are also displayed. The Releases view allows a timewise navigation, showing when each version starts and when it ends. If we look at the past, we will see when each version was released. In short, total control in a single view of every single version of the projects you are taking part in or interested in.
Custom date range selection
In this new Profields' Releases view you will be able to track every Project version and the dates related to them as in the start dates and the release dates. By clicking on the date range, a small window will appear where you will be able to choose the range you want to see your project versions.
Expanded view of Project versions
Gain perspective on your product versions. Upon expanding the project rows you will also be getting an in-depth look at how many releases that project has had, allowing you to cycle through those dates and getting ahead on your Project tracking.
On-the-fly Release dates update
By clicking on a release date bullet point, the release information panel will appear showing version name, status and the total number of versions. The Start Date and Release Date pickers will allow you to select new dates, automatically accommodating the view to the updated date range.
Who needs Profields 7 Releases View?
Releases View in Profields 7 is for those having versions in Jira. That is, for those who make software:
Leo Diaz _ DEISER
Member of #DEISERTeam | Head of Product
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