During this time of year, people all around the world gather together to celebrate (Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Boxing Day, Ōmisoka, Yule, and more). Each of these is a celebration focused on bringing people together supported by traditions, rituals and practices.
Similar to these celebrations Agile used to be focused on bringing people together with its own rituals and practices to cut through the crap, and support working efficiently and effectively. Unfortunately in the last 2 decades a lot of what is now called Agile is no longer focused on people. Instead it’s become a quagmire of processes, tools, certifications, and fixed forever repeated rituals which slowly drive people to madness.
A participant in yet another daily standup...
“It’s a devastated wasteland. The life has been sucked out of it. It’s a few religious rituals carried out by people who don’t understand the purpose that those rituals were intended to serve in the first place.” (source: Extreme Programming Creator Kent Beck: Tech Has a Compassion Deficit | Built In , shout out to @Sven Peters for mentioning it on Twitter)
But what do we do with a wasteland?
We redevelop it and turn it into something beautiful and functional!
Agile wastelands? Let's turn Agile back into a celebration of teams and people building together to create amazing things!
Here are some tips and tricks to get you started, but feel free to leave more in the comments below.
At Umano we'll be using 2023 to build out our team performance tools, focused on bringing humanity back into technology, supported by data, focused on people.
For me personally it will be focussing on helping redevelop the Agile wasteland through content, coaching, and community building.
What are your good Agile intentions for 2023? Please let me know in the comments.
Peter Van de Voorde
Marketplace Partner Service Provider
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