I don't understand why Portfolio tells me my colleague is overbooked when he is not.
In the first screenshot, I can see that in week 42 there is a yellow bar and when I hover over it, it says "Some persons of this team are overbooked in the time frame.,"
I then view the plan (next screenshot) where the grouping is set to person. As we can see for this team I only have one person and this must be the guy which is overbooked. In week 42 he has a holiday (the whole week) and therefore has nothing in his schedule.
In the next screenshot, we can see the schedule. The big gap is week 42 and therefore it confuses me that portfolio tells me that my guy is overbooked as nothing is planned for him.
In the next screenshot, we see that the task he has to do before he goes off to holiday and after is scheduled for between the 10th of October until the 22nd of October. The task will take him 20 hours (seen in the previous screenshot) and his capacity is 30 hours per week which indicates it will take him a maximum 4 days. Between the 10th of October and the 22nd of October, there are 9 working days, however, as my colleague is off for 5 days it fits with the four days it will take him to finish.
My question is why do I get the alert "Some persons of this team are overbooked in the time frame.," when my colleague wasn't overbooked?