Hi, I want to add few tabs (not in issue panel Tab comes in activity section). Like i want to add few tabs right after my Description section. Appreciate your help. -Bala
I have source code jira 4.3. Now, I want to modify interface tab Activity of issue. You can guide to me or send to me some documents to guide to change interface tab activity of issue? Thank y...
So on the right-hand side of the dashboard, there's tabs for "Popular", "All Updates", "Favourite Spaces" and "Network". Confluence will remember which of those tabs I've selected, and each time I r...
...ight of the window) can only be opened in the same window. It would be nice if you could, say, right-click on them to open them in a new tab, or have a small icon or link besides them to enable tab o...
Since installing JIRA 5.0.1, we've seen instances when the Issues Tab in a Project Summary is completely blank when accessed, although the project does in fact contain issues. Anyone know why, and m...
How do I change the sort order of the Source tab under an issue? I want the newest commits up top.
My issue screen has two tabs. I'd like to add a banner or a prominent reminder message that always shows on one of the tabs. If not possible on the tab, then on the whole issue screen. But I d...
Hi all I have migrated jira 3.13 to jira 4.4. After migration if ahy user click on browse project tab then project name is dispalying but all other default tabs are not gettings displayed ....
I'm trying to replicate the tabbed navigation on this webiste: https://wiki.csuchico.edu/confluence/display/lms/Vista+Knowledge+Base Just for my confirmation, do I have to use the deck/c...
Hello, Before we started using JIRA we've used redmine. It has a great feature: "Documents" tab in main menu. We use to store project documentation in that tab. It would be awesome to have s...
Hi I asked once to make the navitabs scollable. Now I made a static menu on top of every page with a fixed width. I made a scroll arrows for left and right if there are so much tabs that they d...
The content on the source tab on a jira issue is not stored a field, if it were the we would be able to create a filter of X number of source code revisions are related to a given jira issue. Any k...
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