We want to update our installations of SourceTree Enterprise (on Windows 10 and 11; ST version 3.4.18) to version 3.4.20. When rolling out the new version we observed that the user.config found unde...
Hello, Is Sourcetree Enterprise Edition free for commercial use? And is Bitbucket needed for Sourcetree Enterprise edition to work? We are looking at using it but are a completely clos...
Hello, Is Sourcetree still free, even for corporate use? Any restriction on number of users that can use it? And is there official support for it or? Thanks
When I try to open a remote repository in sourcetree (3.4.4), source tree crashes after a few seconds. I open a new tab and the select remote. App then crashes.
Hello, Is SourceTree enterprise supported on Citrix XenApp? Thanks! Rama
Hi, Using BitBucket and Sourcetree the customer cannot create a custom branch to merge with the main branch Develop. He is able to create a main branch based on Develop branch and properly check it...
Does Sourcetree Enterprise work on a Multi-User remote server (windows Server 2016)? Is there anything to take into account while installing it? Additional info / observed behavior: While trying ...
Hello Dear I want to know what is different between Business Object Model and Control Record Model on new version of BIAN Landscape?
A branch was created off of the master and checked out. Changes were made. The changes were staged and committed to the local branch. The Push icon has a "1" hovering over it. ...
I just noticed you have Sourcetree for enterprise. However, its not clear on if there is any functional differences between standard download and enterprise? We use Microsoft System...
Dear All, Below is the message from our IT security team. seek your feedback. The sourcetree software is a malicious one and It sends http without http header, some Chinese binary in there (may be ...
Hello Team, I want to know if source tree works fine on Citrix environment/server? Our infra team wants to install source tree on Citrix and publish its client to be accessible for remo...
For over a year we have been having trouble with Sourcetree. I have talked to atlassian support whom have indicated that Sourcetree is not longer supported and not even controlled by atlassian. What ...
In Tools-Option-Default User Information is set: Full Name: Reiff, Michael, HO Email adress: michael.reiff@de.company.com When I create a commit, the author is: Reiff<michael.reiff@comp...
Hi, Using SourceTree Enterprise (version 3.3.6 as 3.3.8 doesn't start at all) on Windows Server 2012, I cannot connect to my Azure git repository. I can authenticate with my account, but when I try ...
Greetings! We're running Bitbucket 7.0.0 with the GlobalSSO SAML authentication plugin. When trying to connect to the Bitbucket server using SourceTree Enterprsie we get the following error:...
I am a beginner to use Sourcetree. Initially, I have created a repository for a project. Then I have deleted the repository without removing from disk in local mode of sourcetree and I tried to add S...
SourceTree incl. .NET Framework 4.72 are installed on my Windows 10 laptop using some enterprise installation utilities. Unfortunately the clone of the repository is not working as the sourcetree cus...
Hello, New here, one of our lecturers wishes our students to use Source Tree coupled with BitBucket to use as a tool for version control on their own projects. I've done some reading and testin...
Hi, I would like to package source tree enterprise for my company users. We do have our own company gitlab host account for some of the users but not all the users have the account yet. Could I packa...
I would like to understand the method connecting Bitbucket server in sourcetree(using http or ssh or REST API...) I've enabled Sourcetree->Tools->Options->"Check default remotes for updates...
HI , We have installed in Source enterprise edition and registration done with bitbucket.I could able access the source tree.. But the problem is while we publish the sourcetree.exe in citrix studi...
Hi I have been working until today. When I try to push I get this error using the same credential that I have been using until now. Any idea please? Regards git --no-optional-locks -c color.branc...
Hi, We are trying to install Sourcetree at an enterprise client - they do not want to allow Sourcetree to log installation details (OnboardingManager/EMauSubmissionService) aka Registration An...
I downloaded sourcetreeenterprise 3.0.8. How can I do Pull Request directly from the app?
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