- Who is also working from home? - Me... It can be so stressful sometimes.. I've been there First, let's set the stage. Picture this: You're in your PJs, a bowl of cereal in hand, and the c...
My organization is a virtual assistant organization and we have clients who partner with us for virtual assistant services. Now we want clients to delegate tasks to our different managers and then t...
Estou em busca de um emprego em home office no Brasil por morar no interior e não saber falar outro idiomas. grata
This may have been asked and answered, however, I didn't connect any one particular answer to my question. Currently, admins and project managers control the boards. We have in-house workers who hav...
Hello guys, is it possible to set up a weekly digest/report with all the cards that have been added that week? The cards have no dates or labels. I am creating a 'social hub' for my remote team and...
How do you manage to have that long-distance relationship with your employees? Long-distance relationships are not easy. As a team manager or team member what problems you have to face to manage o...
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