As your startup grows, it becomes more challenging for leaders to get the visibility they need without opening up all your Jira projects. This was a meaty topic in office hours last week, and we have...
Today’s question opens up a whole new world… of permissions! 🔐 See below for guidance on securely collaborating with external users within your (virtual) walls. Want your own question answere...
Hi there! Long time listener, first time poster 🙂 We’ve had so many great questions and conversations in our live sessions, it’s really helpful for us to understand how we can help you use our produ...
I've been thinking of starting a "Try to stump Peggy" challenge... because while @Peggy Graham has been getting some tough questions from you all, I've yet to see anyone truly stump her! Jo...
...tlassian) things for you: Share content externally with public Confluence links Trigger Jira notifications in Slack Remove filler words and silences with Loom AI See you in office h...
Happy Monday to my favorite startup community! This weekend, I moved across the US from Colorado to Florida – one sunshine state to another! ☀️😎 With my new timezone, our team wondered if we sho...
Thank you to everyone who joined our office hour sessions last week. We appreciate having the time to hear your feedback and answer your questions about Atlassian Analytics and Atlassian Data Lake. W...
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