Today our Database server ran out of disk space and one of the confluence tables crashed. Confluence seems to be using MYISAM files and not innodb, but in confluence.cfg.xml the DB storage_engine ...
Hello People, I'm just about to roll out confluence for our organisation, on the same box that our current Jira install is on. I just have a question about the storage engine that MySQL will u...
Hi, I just have a quick question on the storage engine which we should use with MySQL for Fisheye and Crucible. MyISAM or InnoDB? Thanks, Saurabh
...t is default, case insensitive:
I am trying to setup new instances of Confluence 4.0 on a test server and a production server. Both are using mysql. I am encountering a problem when I hit the configure database step. The f...
Hi all, With Confluence 4.0, MySQL seem's to be at least version 5.1 from the Supported Platform page : But, from the r...
We are setting up a new Jira instance and we would like to know if there is any advantage when using one or the other between MySQL and PostgreSQL databases.
I have been trying to install Confluence 3.5.9 on Kubunu 10.04, the war variant with a Tomcat 6.0.26. Java is 1.6.0_06_b02. When I am going through the wizard, it suggest a URL to start the MySQL s...
So I'm having a problem: I exported my DB save for the PLUGINDATA table and imported it just fine. I've been having a problem reimporting the plugins themselves.. [root@randomserver zipp]# mysql...
Hi All, I am trying to implement confluence on our VM. I have installed confluecne on one server and mysql on remote server. I am facing issue, it would be great if you can provide any solution. A...
How would I find the cause of: Could not connect to 'jdbc:mysql://<server-address>/bugzilla?autoReconnect=true&useUnicode=true&zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull': Could not create conn...
Hi we are interested in Jira but we need to connect do another ERP by database connection (mySQL) , basically to import project and user data is this possible?
I have taken a backup from our current production instance of JIRA, which uses a mySQL database instance. Recently i created a test environment to install a development version of JIRA into which c...
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