🧐 Did you know? Racially and ethnically diverse companies have been shown to be 35% more likely to have financial returns above the industry mean. But when we look around, diversity is lac...
Hello community! As part of the "Meet the Speaker series," I'd like to share with you a little teaser about our talk during the PM72 summit: the tools you already use can be of great help in...
👋 Hi everybody, I guess you’ve all heard about the #PM72 Summit. The virtual project management event organized by Jexo. It is a 72-hour stream with live discussion panels, talks from ...
Hello everyone! Welcome to another installment of "Meet the speakers" for the upcoming PM72 virtual conference. This time its about me, Julia Wester. But first, if you aren’t familiar...
👋 Well, hello there! My name is Britta and I am a Marketing Manager at yasoon. As Atlassian Platinum Marketplace Partner from Germany we are excited to be part of the upcoming PM 72 summit! 📅&nbs...
Hi Community! This is Gorka Puente, Principal Product Manager in Appfire for the BI/Reporting solutions category. I'm excited to announce that I'm going to be part of Jexo's PM72 event! I've...
Hey, this is Attila Bordás, Product Manager at EverIT, one of the donors of PM72, a fantastic charity event/ free project management virtual conference you’re hopefully familiar with by now. As part...
Hi all! As you might have heard, the PM72 Summit with 72 hours full of project management talks about topics around the Atlassian ecosystem will happen in mid June. This event ...
Hey, everyone! You've probably noticed the PM72 Meet The Speaker series and lots of activity here 🤓 I'm super excited to be a part of PM72 Summit too! Join this 72-hour online event to learn e...
Greetings everyone! And here's another post in the PM72 Meet the Speaker series started by @Nikki Zavadska _Appfire_ If you aren’t familiar with PM72, it’s a 72-hour marathon virtual event foc...
Hey everyone, As part of the MeetTheSpeaker Series for PM72 I wanted to introduce myself and welcome you to my session. Before I jump in, let me introduce the incredible PM72 event. It’s a ...
Hello, community! Today I want to introduce you to Marta Pastor’s talk at The PM72. In case you aren’t familiar with PM72, it’s a charity event focused on Project Management best practices. ...
I'm excited to be part of the PM72 event to share knowledge about project management across the world. The event benefits the Malala Fund, a cause very close to my heart. Their vision is a world...
Hello there! As we (DEISER) are going to be a part of the speaker's line-up of the Jexo's PM72 Summit, I would like to introduce myself and the session we'll hold at this Project Management event: ...
Hey, everyone! Did you hear about PM72 yet? An event born from Jexo’s desire to prove that no one is too small to make a difference (thank you, @Nikki Zavadska _Appfire_, for this line!). In a nu...
Greetings Fellow Community Members! This is post 4 of the PM72 Meet the Speaker Series started by @Nikki Zavadska _Appfire_ Today I want to introduce you to my talk at The PM72 event! ...
Hi everyone, as you might have heard, the PM72 Summit with 72 hours full of project management talks about topics around the Atlassian ecosystem will happen in mid June. This is a event free to att...
Hello, community! This is post 3 of the PM72 Meet the Speaker Series started by @Nikki Zavadska_jexo_ Today I want to introduce you to my talk at The PM72 event! In case you aren’t familiar wit...
Hello, community! This is post 2 of the PM72 Meet the Speaker Series started by @Nikki Zavadska_jexo_ Today I want to Introduce you to Jurgen Appelo’s talk at The PM72. In case you aren’t ...
Hi community 👋, We at Jexo had this desire… desire to prove that no one is too small to make a difference. So we decided to organize a fundraising event, get the Atlassian ecosystem tog...
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