...forgot the keystore password. I was trying to create a new keystore with the 'jira' alias, but the password for it is requested, and I don't have it. I think this can be solved by updating the 'j...
Dear all, I'm trying to get Jira accessible over HTTPS. And I guess it is almost done, but I have troubles with the Portacle KeystoreFile. I've gone through the Running Jira applications o...
...onfluence.customername.eu:443 -keystore /opt/atlassian/confluence/jre/lib/security/cacerts -file public.crt Now, it seems that Confluence is still bugging somewhere (still unable to connect to SSL s...
Hello, So I have the configuration pretty much complete. I am using the program "KeyStore Explorer to import my letsencrypt pfx12 file and saving the keystore to another location. What does the b...
Hi, i`m evaluating Confluence as locally hosted version and struggle with the ssl setup. I have a ca issued wildcard certificate which i want to use. i created a keystore, imported the c...
...itbucket/shared/config/ssl-keystore.jks server.ssl.key-alias=tomcat server.ssl.key-store-password=my-secret-passwd server.ssl.key-password=my-secret-passwd keystorePass=my-secret-passwd I a...
...fter a bit of searching I came across some documentation about the keystore and the .jks file as well as the config.bat file. So I went and opened up the config file and went to the Web server tab, a...
I have JIRA server enterprise level and I added CA cert keystore file. Key Alias and Key Password etc info in server.xml file and restarted the JIRA services. I confirmed all the info I added was c...
....12:8090. Now I want to access my Confluence via HTTPS at My question is what do I have to set for CN in the keystore-file? Do I have to include the port like CN="123.12...
...omcat option. Files come with the bd_bundle.crt, bd_intermediate.crt, wildcard.crt. I've tried "<jira-install-dir>\jre\bin\keytool" -import -alias tomcatCACert -file file.cer -keystore "<i...
Instead of using the JVM keystore (\JIRA\jre\lib\security\cacerts) I like Jira use a different keystore for SSL handshaking with the Active Directory. Where can I set/change the location? e.g. w...
...he JIRA Upgrade. I tried to reimport the public key ssl cert for my mail server but i see the following error: # keytool -import -alias my_mailserver -file /usr/local/jira_home/mailserver.cert -keystore...
Hi, I am executing the command below in the JIRA User Guide But I get the following error Regards Deepak Bhatia [root@localhost ~]# keytool -import -alias tomcat -file file.cer Enter keystore...
In the FishEye SSL configuration page, it explains how to configure FishEye for SSL. It suggests creating a certificate and adding it to a Java Keystore and pointing FishEye at it. But what if y...
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