I'm working on some usecase where my backend data is Jira database. I need an SQL query to give me all the stories, tasks, sub-tasks under an EPIC. Can someone help me? Thanks
Hi, Currently I am looking for Jira query where I want the the field Dev- ETA is in next 3 days. I used : Dev-ETA[Date] >= startOfDay(3d); but it is not giving the correct result. ...
Summary field text sometimes contains some special characters '@', '/', '$', '^' etc. How can I handle it using jql, so that my rule doesn't get failed.
I have around 50 Capabilities. Through the JIRA query, I retrieved all the epics under these capabilities. Now I want to see all the count of epics for each capabilities either in a dashboard ...
JQL query to retrieve all the epics from multiple capabilities needed. I have a query which can retrieve all the epics from single capability however my need is to create a jql which can retrie...
How do you integrate or use a Jira Smart value with Jira Search, JQL. Not with the automation but only in the advance search. I tried different Q&As in the cummunity. Some even the accep...
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