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×Hi I have a text field , I need to check if user entered specific string as a part of typing in the field. User should type "Self Check" as a part of entry. Ex: Program Self Check, Self Check Pro...
I'm trying to create a web-based issue submission form outside of the JIRA UI (on another local server). I'm attempting to connect to the REST API use javascript and common AJAX methods. When I sim...
For confluence I'm happy with the JobModule and TriggerModule types. What is the right way to implement periodic task in jira? I would like to extends the list of jobs and triggers in jira. Tha...
Could some one help me to write a JQL that gets the sub tasks of a specific issue? Thanks
Is it possible to get the history of an issue using the JIRA REST API? Thanks.
Hi, I am trying to update a version in a project using the REST api via .NET I can sucessfully do GETs but PUTs and POSTs fail with a '400 bad request' error Here is the code I am using...
I've read the documentation and I'm still a little confused as to how I begin using the Jira REST API. I am a new member of my company's Jira instance and they have tasked me with developing an exter...
I would like to customize all pages in Jira completely with my own css files. I have tried using the web resource plugin module but the css files are not placed in the bottom, thus they are overridde...
i have forgotton myjira username and pwd. is there anyway to login into jira without username and password or is there any default administrator usename and pwd that comes with jira? And also i w...
A JIRA was entered that had HR sensitive info in it. We would like to remove this and all related updates
Hi there, I would like to write default values in some issue fields by using a plugin when a user open the create issue screen. Any idea to start?? Thanks a lot!
I have begun work on the "Advanced Mail Handler" plugin, however, the "atlassian-jira-5.0.jar" does not contain the "AbstractMessageHandler" class, which basically cripples me from moving further. J...
How can I access JIRA with VBA (Excel 2010) using the REST-API? I read about the URL's, but I don't know how to integrate in VBA. How can I send a message from VBA to JIRA? . . .
....com/repository/public/org/apache/maven/shared/maven-filtering/1.0-beta-2/maven-filtering-1.0-beta-2.jar 32K downloaded (maven-filtering-1.0-beta-2.jar) 483K downloaded (jersey-server-1.0.3.jar) D...
It's possible to add standard Google gadgets to a Sharepoint page (http://gabriel.mongefranco.com/2008/11/how-to-add-google-gadgets-to-sharepoint-pages/). I though it might be possible to add JIRA g...
Hi, i am developing jira plugin for web interface but i can not find anything about issue status. For example i try to put a button in my issues for start/stop progress. What should i do? Is JQL good...
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