We embrace the source code written in JIRA with {code} notation. JIRA highlights the key words, which is very good. However, please do NOT highlight the key words in comments. Thank you.
Hi, how can i Search for something and order it by "In Porgress" -> "Reopend" -> "Resolve" -> "Open" ? Greeting Lukas Rabe
I need to upload an 'attachments' archive of 3 GB. The WebDav directory only supports files of 2 GB. Does Jira on demand supports RAR or 7ZIP formats so I can split the files, upload them and start m...
I have created jira issues in bulk using a seperate customized plugin as tool by reading the issue tag names from excel sheet. I have 3 issue types: 1.Main issue 2.Sub-task 3.Link issue to su...
I have an issue with Jira On Demand, I want to use the field Story Points for issues of types Bugs and Improvements, I'm able to configure the fields on this view Administration / Project...
...rinivas\Workspace [INFO] Scanning for projects... [INFO] Searching repository for plugin with prefix: 'eclipse'. [INFO] com.atlassian.maven.plugins: checking for updates from atlassian-public [W...
I can not find anywhere how to change the Project Lead for a project. I've tried Administration->Projects->Edit (my project) but the only fields that i have there are: Name, URL, Avatar and D...
I have read this documentation over and over http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA/Importing+Data+From+CSV#ImportingDataFromCSV-how. I think I am missing something. The docs say to go to admin...
There are times where I simply cannot remove users from certain groups. This seems to affect some users but not others. I click to leave the group, the page updates, but there is no change to the u...
Having previously worked with Jira, I thought once an issue has been moved from one project to another project, you could still find it by searching by the old "previous" issue id. For example, if ...
Dear Sirs, Most of my team does not speak English. Can I have Brazilian Portuguese installed for dabitest.atlassian.net? Thanks! Marco
Usually i saw 'delete' button in "More action" sections. In my onDemand instance there is not delete link. Question is: how can i delete issue?
I need to find out if there is a default user within JIRA that is not a logged in user. Thanks!
I have a few projects I want one team to see, and some other projects I need a different team to see. I do not want either team to see each other's projects. The default permission scheme enables any...
I own a Home Repair / Remodeling / Service company. We use JIRA to track service requests from new and existing customers. We direct all customers to fill out our online Appointment Request form htt...
I want to use the issue assignment behaviors of the Components field but the label "Components" will not match the values and will be mis-leading to end users.
1. Whenever I create a new project a SVN repository is created and an initial commit is made, how do I stop this? 2. I have configured Jira (via FishEye I think) to get the source from BitBucket bu...
We've considered the hosted JIRA option but we understand that there is a limit on customizations (e.g. available plugins, both from Atlassian Exchange and user-created ones), this is the dealbreaker...
I am attempting to move from an enterprise hosted install of Jira to the new on demand Jira. The first step in the import process is to upload our Jira data to the root directory of our new instance...
I'm about done setting up my OnDemand Jira. I would like to clear out the test issues - how do I do this? I would like my numbers to start over with 1 versus picking up where the test issues left o...
Hi all, Quick question. We're trying to allow client QA teams access to our Jira installation, but we're being cautious with the amount of information we make available. My current implementation...
I signed up for a trial period period and would like to review Jira's work-flow and reporting capabilities. Currently I'm having issues locating where I can change the work-flow for a project where I...
1. I order JIRA on demand 2. it works ok 3. I created project there 4. I created issues there 5. I checked if GreenHopper installed - it shows "plugind details" and "disable" links. As i ...
The "Add Project" link on the projects administration page is missing. I can get the button to reappear by clicking the issues tab then click the projects menu item and then clicking the "go to gener...
Hi, how can i create a filter where i can see what Issues where commented by a specific Person? Greetings Lukas Rabe
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