At Decadis, security and data protection have always been at the core of what we do. We are proud to announce that we have officially achieved ISO 27001:2022 certification, reinforci...
...ithin Jira & Confluence, the apps are built using Atlassian Forge and are Cloud Fortified. And you can be assured that we will be “eating our own dog food” while preparing for the ISO27001 o...
Keeping your data safe is vital for every business. One way to do this is by following ISO 27001. But how can we manage these information security risks with a tool like Jira? Let's dive in...
Through our experience helping customers achieve ISO certification and meet various compliance requirements, we’ve identified what truly makes a difference in managing these processes effectively. We...
Being an ISO 27001-compliant company means that you protect your information assets and client data against possible data breaches. It supports your business growth as it builds trust in your company...
Introduction In today's interconnected digital landscape, businesses face an ever-increasing array of threats to their sensitive data and information systems. Cyberattacks, data breaches, and other ...
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