The “page-include-macro” now offers basically 2 options/features: The source page is embedded into the target page in view-mode You can jump to the source page by clicking on “Go to included p...
...onthly, is it possible to create the new page in the main space, then have it automatically mirrored in the others? Or do we have to manually create the pages in each space and add the include p...
I have a custom plugin that pulls various pages using the include macro into a single page. After upgrading to confluence 6.11.2, I keep getting a message saying something like : Unable to r...
I have two confluence instances of version 6.6.2 (named as A) and 6.3.4 (named as B) in same network. I have created Application link between A and B. I have enabled html-include macro in A and t...
We have a set of excerpts that get linked into many other Confluence pages in multiple spaces. We want to change the names or remove some of these excerpts but want to identify which pages downstream...
...ntended to use the include-page add on to allow me to share content from our main wiki pages to ensure that the details that we have are current \ accurate. Again this all works really well and will s...
Would it be possible to create one page in confluence as a "source" or parent page and generate two child pages using the parent page as the source? Idea would be that when ...
Hi It's possible send to external url confluence data like user logged and menu option selected?
With the Include Pages Macro you can embed pages into another page. This is partly used for dynamic text modules. Is it possible to display in a list where the integration takes place?
My primary page has Headings 1-3, and an Include-Page macro of another page that also has Headings 1-3. However, because that page is a subsection of the primary page, I'd like the headings to be d...
...riginal. Include Page macro works also fine, but just for one page at a time. The second thing I need to do is to reuse text fragments and to be able to edit them in the new page. I have already tried the Include...
We provide access to Service Desk and Confluence for external customers and use the Include Page Macro to link an article from an internal Confluence space. In the Service Desk/Knowledge Base/A...
I want only part of the content on page A to be pulled to page B using the Include Page macro. Is there a way to do this? There is a paragraph that I don't want to go to page B.
...nclusion Library (the included page), it displays only the pages that are children of the Included Page, not the local page. Right now we have several Spaces: _Library (the inclusion library), Website G...
...rong articles when that page is included in the various User Guides. Right now we have several Spaces: _Library (the inclusion library), Website Guide, Data Management Guide, etc. The same page f...
This question is in reference to Atlassian Documentation: Include Page Macro Oftentimes, I need to include a specific (released) version of one page in another page. How can this be done?
I am including a page from space A to space B using the "Include Page" macro. Because space A is private to a specific group, other users cannot view the page I included in space B from space A. I...
This question is in reference to Atlassian Documentation: Include Page Macro If you use the page include macro but then make edits to the page you have included, will it be automatically updated o...
This question is in reference to Atlassian Documentation: Include Page Macro How does one include an entire page including the comments section?
I have a template page that has something like this: Position : Supervisor Company : <company-name> ....Other fields Now, I will include this page inside multiple pages, but each page w...
This question is in reference to Atlassian Documentation: Include Page Macro Is it possible to use this or another macro to automatically include the content of all child pages in the parent automatically?
I am trying to include information on one of the Confluence pages from an external website. Is there a way to embed an external html page within the Confluence cloud page. I am using Confluence C...
...ables) Worker B (some tables) Worker C (some tables) And I would need to have another page that would contain Worker A, Worker B, Worker C tables (everything as in include) but on a s...
I have a LOT of includes, and they're all showing this error: Error rendering macro 'include' : The body of this ContentEntityObject ('Contacts') was 'BodyType:WIKI' but was expected to be 'B...
This is the path set in the repository: //abc/dir1/ - It is a huge repo. Hence I want to include on //abc/dir1/dir1a, I added the syntax "dir1a" inn the include path, however it does not work as F...
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