Hello, I am writing a simple query against the Jira Database, but I cannot get the parent issue id of the issues. I tried including customfieldvalue.parentkey, but it is NULL for all the subtasks. ...
Hi, guy. I need some informations about the concept of linking issues as child-parent. In my process I organized 4 projects that match our organization. The Reporter open a new ticket on the fi...
We want to use time tracking in the following way: 1. A piece of work is identified and described and a time estimate entered eg 5d 2. A developer identifies part of the work in more ...
I have set up a version hierachy in my project. The problem I'm having is that tasks assigned to child versions do not always show up on the planning board and task board of the parent version. Ev...
I am using uwc (3.13.0) for converting our DokuWiki (Release 2010-11-07a "Anteater") using the hierarchy conversion. I have copied the wiki to external local harddisk so I have the folders E:\D...
Is there a way to close all subtasks when his parent task is closed ? Native solution, Plugin or Groovy script ?
Migrated our data from FogBugz. It brought in all of our version (which is great). Now, I would like to update all of my Versions to have the correct Parent. The version we have are like: 3.0.9 ...
Hi, I have few Issue types and few sub-task types. I want to prevent the user from creating some sub-tasks for some parents. for example: I have sub-task, sub-bug and sub-tech (all of sub-tas...
Here's what I want to do but I'm having a hard time finding information to help me do this fully. 1. Create a parent page that has a table. 2. The child pages will come from a template that is ...
Hello, In GH, when you click an Epic number to see the pop-up with all of the related stories etc, the view cannot be customised (i.e. how to show isses, hide sub-tasks, only show my tasks etc). ...
Hi. I am wishing to be able to remove a page and its child pages in one-go. (I'm using version 3.3.1). Even with the space admin right, this is not possible. So after removing a parent page, I have...
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