Could you please suggest the best way to configure Jira to talk to service now whether through webhook or rest-api or some plugin. Currently there is a plugin from ConnectAll for Jira for this type ...
We are in the process to migrate some project from QC and many of the test cases will have parameters. As far as I understand, SynapseRT doesn't have support for parameters but I was wondering ...
Hello, I would like to synchronize attachments under Jira Task issue and Salesforce Task. When file is attached in Salesforce, plugin brings it to according Jira Task, but if file is attached in Jir...
Hi, I would like to use the Google Analytics Plugin for Confluence. I have followed the configuration steps of the following link:
Hi, We want to use the JIRA Go2Group CRM plugin. Is it possible to use generic JIRA accounts for the Support Level 1 users (salesforce users) and set the Salesforce username in a JIRA custom f...
I have configured QC --> JIRA ticket replication using the Go2Group JaM plugin. I'm using Go2Group JaM Plugin 9.0.44 with quality centre 11 patch 18 When I try to replicate entities, I g...
Matt Darwin I have configured QC --> JIRA ticket replication using the Go2Group JaM plugin. I'm using Go2Group JaM Plugin 9.0.44 with quality centre 11 When I try to replicate entities, I...
I have configured QC --> JIRA ticket replication using the Go2Group JaM plugin. I'm using Go2Group JaM Plugin 9.0.44 with quality centre 11 When I try to replicate entities, I get an e...
I am trying to setup a trial UserVoice HelpDesk interface to JIRA using Go2Group's add-on. The documentation states this prereq clearly: "Make sure "Allow unassigned issues" is switched on in J...
Since I am getting the below error while lanched JIRA instance, I want to disable Go2Group plugin, Kindly help me 2013-04-05 00:50:11,152 localhost-startStop-1 ERROR [atlassian.jira.event...
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