Hi, I want to escape all mardown characters in a text to post it on slack without formatting. For this I use {{value.replaceAll("([*_{}\[\]()#\+\-\.!|])", "\\$1")}} The problem i...
I have an automation that creates a Jira Issue. In the Description I want to have some text that is preformatted. The markdown for this is double braces (e.g. {{monospaced text}} ) but that is also t...
...es, the title is correct. Should any character be escaped in some way or removed?
Before the recent update it use to work so: when pressing ESC to go back to the page from an image, confluence went right back to the same part of the confluence page but now it jumps to the top of t...
...t; (y)> The new issue view unfortunately escapes all of the markup that previously worked and the WYSIWYG toolbar does not allow for adding emojis e...
...nsert markup" function. however, while the macro editor is not complaining, on save the TOC markup gets broken at the '|' and there seems to be no way to escape it, ie \| doesnt cut it and n...
Hi! I am trying to call the sql macro within another macro, but I don't understand how to prevent confluence from escaping the characters. ## Macro title: My Macro ## Macro has a body: N ##...
Hi, I'm writing a lot of user macros and stumble upon this one problem every now and then: I have no idea how to escape double quotes properly. In this specific case I'm writing a macro that h...
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