...o change this filter every two weeks, I'd like to just change the first date. This is what I currently have: status changed to Closed during (2024-11-07, 2024-11-20) But what I'd like to do is s...
Hello, I am using a JQL for graphs this is my JQL : "Epic Link" = FOO-143 AND Status was not Done during ("2022/06/01", "2022/12/31") The result shows issues created in 2023 ! Of course t...
hi gang, i'm trying to use this query, but it seems to ignore the DURING part. Assignee WAS IN ("user1", "user2") DURING ("date1", "date2") I expect to get a list of tickets that h...
I am using JIRA 4.4.5. I am trying use JQL to find issues that was assigned to a user: xxxx during a specific period of time. I have this JQL: assignee was xxxx DURING ("2014/01/01", "2014/01/3...
...y JQL? Billable= Yes AND status = Closed AND status WAS Closed DURING (startOfMonth(), endOfMonth()) ORDER BY project, created asc
The below "During" search does not work in Jira 4.4. Has anyone got this to work? It seems that the date format is incorrect, even though i have tried all the different formats s...
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