Hi Comala, I am developing a new Workflow plugin template. Is there a way that when I assigned the workflow to the page (Start with Draft state), The page view/Edit restricted to page a...
...m working on as a "draft", and I'm using that word to mean that it's not ready for others to see in the KB yet because I'm still working on it. I'd then like a place to go when I log in where I can s...
Today I am unable to click My Profile -> Drafts. When I do so, it spins waiting for reply from the server. I checked with a someone else using the same installation, and they were able to v...
How can I modify an exsisting workflow? How do I get it to not be a draft? Then once I am finished modifying the workflow, how to reapply it back? The manual does not help me. Thanks!
Hi, As a confluence super user, is there a way to see drafts of other users? (We're on 5.1.3, fwiw). Thanks!
Sometimes with browser issues or time outs, a user has been typing a lot of data when his browser crashes when trying to save. Is there a auto recover feature or auto save feature to prevent loss of ...
Is there a hotkey or some other method to save a draft of a page while working on it? Otherwise, what is the automatic draft save interval?
Hi guys, I'm new to Confluence so I may have missed it, but is there a way to save your updates in the editor without leaving edit mode? If not, it would be great to see a "Save without Closing" butt...
Hi All, I have a problem: when I add a page and start editing but the page was never saved yet (so no earlier version exist) where can I find the draft if I don't save? I mean e.g. if I close t...
(PhantomDrafts.txt) We're running Confluence 4.2.13, and we have a problem whereby lots of Drafts are being created with no Creator, and no reference source page or title. The uploaded CSV file c...
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