We want to make bitbucket git clone into cPanel Git™ Version Control, so that we can create more branches from cPanel git and do version control for cPanel copy. I tried to clone bitbucket git u...
A clear documentation for whm cpanel integration for newbie like us.
After several weeks I have still not been able to integrate BitBucket with cPanel's GIT Version Control. BACKGROUND: I have succeeded in creating three repositories and have limited c...
BACKGROUND: I am new to GIT and Bitbucket and am having trouble integrating BitBucket with cPanel's GIT Version Control. As I have been experimenting for some time now I will only p...
I am considering setting up a personal Jira+Confluence+Greenhopper+Tempo and as i have a dedicated server where I also host some websites (running cPanel on Linux) it would be nice to add the s...
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